Search Results for: diabetes


Fatty liver disease patients can improve kidney function with low fat diet and exercise: Study

Fatty liver disease patients can improve kidney function with low fat diet and exercise. In addition, those who experienced improvement in liver disease also saw their renal function improved, even after adjusting for factors such as diabetes, hypertension, concurrent medications, and weight loss. Senior author of the study Dr. Naga Chalasani explained, “The exact mechanism here to read more

Tachycardia: Types, causes, symptoms, and diagnosis

Tachycardia is an abnormally fast resting heart rate. A normal resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute, which means anything over 100 is considered tachycardia. Heart rate threshold is often determined by a person’s age. The older we get, the less the heart pumps depending on what the body can handle. here to read more


Dementia cases in the U.S. declining: Study

A new study has found there are fewer Americans living with dementia. The study analyzed the responses from over 10,000 Americans over the age of 65 and found the dementia prevalence dropped nearly 24 percent between 2000 and 2012. Researchers aren’t completely sure what has led to the declining dementia rates, but they point out here to read more

The benefit of sleep you didn’t know

Dropping those few extra pounds that have miraculously found their way to you may be a real challenge. Sure, as we age, we become less active and maybe our diet isn’t the healthiest out there, but even if you do watch what you eat and exercise regularly, you may still be struggling with weight loss. here to read more
