Search Results for: diets


Boosting Your Immune System

COVID-19 has increased people’s desire to learn how they can stay healthy. And although there are certain measures that can reduce risk—like handwashing, good hygiene, masks, etc.—people want more. There is currently no treatment or cure for this virus. But there is evidence that immunocompromised people bear the highest risk. This is not just the here to read more

Why Should You Care about Cholesterol?

I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about cholesterol and the importance of keeping it in check. High cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, making it harder for your heart to pump blood. This may lead to increases in blood pressure and a higher risk of a heart attack. When blood can’t move easily through blood vessels here to read more

On a Plant-Based Diet? Here’s Some Good News for You

It’s hard to knock a plant-based diet… provided it’s based on fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts, instead of chips and cookies. Plant-based diets are associated with better cardiovascular and metabolic health due to a general ability to fight inflammation. But these nutrient-dense diets generally have one glaring hole: they can be very low in high-quality here to read more

4 Things to Focus on for Stronger Immune Function

Can you tell how healthy you are? Immune health is dependent on a number of factors. Sleep, fitness, diet, genetics, and more all play a role. And although you might only think about your immune system when you need it—like when you’re battling a cold—daily decisions contribute to its effect. The more you work on here to read more


Can Going Low-Carb Keep Your Brain Young?

Ketogenic and low-carbohydrate diets have been the rage for quite some time. But they might help you do more than just lose weight. According to some new research, cutting carbs might slow, or prevent, brain aging. Your brain requires about 20% of your body’s total energy stores to function properly. The energy comes from two here to read more
