Search Results for: smoking


Healthy Lifestyle Is Not Enough to Prevent Dementia: Study

Do you believe living a healthy lifestyle is enough to prevent dementia later in life? Unfortunately, the answer is no. It’s true that being physically active, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in mentally stimulating activities can help ward off the onset of memory loss and other symptoms associated with age-related cognitive decline. But research here to read more

Shot of a senior couple warming up before a run outside

You’ve probably heard of “good” HDL cholesterol and how it may affect heart health. Well, a new study is putting that under scrutiny. A new, large-scale study shows that HDL cholesterol may not significantly affect heart health, particularly for Black people. A study of nearly 24,000 adults found that low HDL was associated with a here to read more


Would You Drink Less Soda If It Was Taxed Higher?

Do you think you’d consume less sugar if sugary drinks like soda and energy drinks were taxed at an additional rate? A new study suggests you likely would not. New research looking at the city of Philadelphia’s tax on sugar-sweetened drinks found that all it really did was turn people to eating more sugary foods here to read more
