Search Results for: diabetes


Binge drinking increasing in older women: Study

Enjoying a drink now and then doesn’t do us much harm. In fact, if alcohol is consumed modestly, it may actually provide some health benefits. We can all agree there is definitely a point when drinking too much and too often becomes a problem, and according to a new study, older American women are drinking here to read more

Lower abdominal pain in men: Causes and treatment tips

Lower abdominal pain is experienced by both sexes, but the causes can vary. The abdominal pain in men may be due to chronic diseases, urinary tract infections, or even digestive tract conditions. Research estimates that the majority of men who experience abdominal pain never seek treatment, as they are more likely to use over-the-counter or here to read more

Breakthrough treatment for a common heart problem

Cardiac arrhythmia—which is an irregular heartbeat where the heart beats too fast or too slow—is a common condition. Although most arrhythmias are harmless, some can be quite serious and even life threatening, as the heart may be unable to pump a sufficient supply of blood to the organs and tissues in the body resulting in here to read more


Progress made in Parkinson’s disease research

Parkinson’s disease is a long-term degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. While some cases can be attributed to genetic inheritance or environmental factors, the majority of cases are considered idiopathic—having no specific cause. However, chemists from Konstanz sought out to develop a complex series of experiments that examined the effects of changing a single here to read more

Arthritis affects millions of Americans and rising

Arthritis is joint pain caused by inflammation and it affects nearly 54 million U.S. adults. About 1 in 4 citizens are living with arthritis today, according to the latest Centers for Disease Control (CDC) monthly report, Vital Signs. This means that about 24 million Americans are currently experiencing debilitating joint pain, limiting their ability to here to read more

Eat like this to stay healthy in old age

There is a famous quote that says “Eat to live but don’t live to eat.” Or shall we go one step further and say “Eat well to live well?” While choosing healthy foods is a smart thing to do at any age, eating healthy takes on even greater importance as you grow older and become here to read more

Six cures for common constipation problems

Though it seems like an everyday thing that people learn to live with, constipation can negatively affect a person’s quality of life. A recent study showed that the reduced quality of life caused by constipation was comparable to that triggered by serious chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis and diabetes. (You can easily reduce the risk of here to read more
