Search Results for: brain


Blocking a protein may treat alcohol addiction

The consumption of alcohol has been a part of human history for thousands of years. And its presence is often welcome during times of celebration and joyous occasions. Despite being a beverage to be enjoyed only in moderation, there are people who drink alcohol in excess, known as alcoholics. Many people view alcohol abuse as here to read more

Benefits of fermented foods you didn’t know

The basic food groups include dairy, grains, fruits and vegetables, and meat and alternatives. But there’s a push to add a fifth food group, which consists of foods that can work wonders for your health. A researcher at Western University, Gregory Reid, is pushing for Health Canada to add fermented foods as the fifth food here to read more


Caffeine found to improve postoperative pain

Recovering from surgery can be the most difficult part of any operation. It often requires patients to adhere to strict guidelines of what they can and can’t do to help improve the healing process. This often includes getting an adequate amount of sleep, but this can be quite difficult for those who have undergone surgery, here to read more
