Search Results for: diabetes


Blood clot in the eye and how to get rid of it

The eyes are delicate organs and can be prone to injury and damage. Blood clots in the eye often appear as red spots and can occur spontaneously. They are generally considered harmless and disappear on their own. These clots form underneath the outermost layer of the eye, called the conjunctiva, and are the result of here to read more

Choosing water can aid in weight loss

Water is one of earth’s most valuable resources. In fact, 70 percent of the human body is made up of water, making it vital for our survival. It is estimated that the average person can survive without food for three weeks, but only three days without water. Despite the importance of water, more and more here to read more

Healthy obesity does not exist

Being grossly overweight is unhealthy and everyone knows it, yet nearly 78 million adults and 13 million children in the United States suffer from the emotional and negative health effects of obesity every day. Obesity is a real epidemic in America, with more and more individuals eating unhealthy foods and getting less exercise. In a here to read more

Improve your heart health with this new way of eating

Medicine does not taste good… that’s the conclusion we inevitably make as we go through rounds and rounds of common cold and respiratory infections during childhood. After all, even that raspberry-flavored cough syrup isn’t as pleasant to take as the advertisers claim, so it’s not surprising that when it comes to eating things that supposedly here to read more

Asthenia: Causes and how to treat it

Asthenia is a term used by the medical community to refer to weakness. It is a psychopathological condition characterized by extreme acute or chronic loss of strength. This condition may lead to sleep disturbances, fatigue, or lack of energy as well as hyperesthesia, which is an extreme sensitivity of the skin. Asthenia may be restricted here to read more


Nitrates in urine: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

The presence of nitrates in urine is often considered a predictor of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Development of urinary tract infections are more commonly experienced by women, owing to their shorter urethra length compared to men. This allows for bacteria to have an easier time reaching and infecting the urinary tract system. UTI can here to read more

Can your hearing loss be cured?

One of our body’s most amazing qualities (and there are plenty of them, that’s for sure) is the interconnectedness of different systems and structures, even when they’re seemingly unrelated. A change in one part of the body can trigger a whole cascade of reactions somewhere else. An ailment affecting one area can put you at here to read more

Anuria: What are its causes and how do you treat it?

Anuria is the inability to urinate or discharge urine. The word itself literally translates to “no urine.” It can be a symptom of various metabolic and volume status disorders, or it can be a problem stemming from an abnormality of the kidney’s themselves, or even of the heart in certain circumstances. A related medical condition here to read more
