Meniere’s disease (inner ear disorder) update: Natural remedies, causes, symptoms, risk factors, and tinnitus

Natural remedies and diet for Meniere’s diseaseThis health news roundup discusses Meniere’s disease, an inner ear disorder, along with other ear conditions, natural remedies for ear problems, and tinnitus – which is ringing in the ears. Below you will discover the causes, symptoms, and treatments for Meniere’s disease, tinnitus as a symptom in Meniere’s disease, other symptoms of Meniere’s disease such as vertigo, and much more.

Natural remedies and diet for Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease is an inner ear disorder that leads to attacks of vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss (which can progress into permanent), tinnitus, and the feeling of fullness or pressure in the ears. Meniere’s disease mainly affects one ear rather than both.
The onset of Meniere’s disease usually takes place between the ages of 20 and 50. It is a chronic condition. Not much is understood about Meniere’s disease and the exact cause is still unknown. There is no cure for Meniere’s disease, but the existing treatment options can offer symptom relief. Continue reading…

Meniere’s disease: Causes, symptoms (vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss), and treatmentMeniere’s disease: Causes, symptoms (vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss), and treatment


Meniere’s disease can lead to symptoms such as vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. Eventually, Meniere’s disease can progress to deafness. Meniere’s disease is a dysfunction of the endolymphatic sac in the inner ear – also known as the labyrinth. The labyrinth system consists of small fluid-filled channels that send signals to the brain.

Estimates show that one in every 1,000 people has Meniere’s disease. It can occur at any age, but is most commonly found in people over the age of 40. The National Institute of Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders estimates that 615,000 Americans have Meniere’s disease. The disease got its name from Prosper Meniere, a French doctor who was the first to report vertigo as an inner ear disorder in 1861. Continue reading…

Meniere’s disease caused by fluid buildup in inner ear and vascular disease risk factors like migraine, sleep apnea, atherosclerosis: StudyMeniere’s disease caused by fluid buildup in inner ear and vascular disease risk factors like migraine, sleep apnea, atherosclerosis: Study

Meniere’s disease may be caused by fluid buildup in the inner ear along with risk factors for vascular disease in the brain, such as migraine, sleep apnea, and atherosclerosis. Meniere’s disease affects roughly three to five million Americans and causes repetitive violent attacks of dizziness, ringing in the ears, and hearing loss. Until now, its causes have been unknown.

Researcher Carol Foster said, “If our hypothesis is confirmed, treatment of vascular risk factors may allow control of symptoms and result in a decreased need for surgeries that destroy the balance function in order to control the spell. If attacks are controlled, the previously inevitable progression to severe hearing loss may be preventable in some cases.” Continue reading…

Tinnitus is a key symptom of Meniere’s disease, an inner ear disorderTinnitus is a key symptom of Meniere’s disease, an inner ear disorder

Tinnitus is a key symptom of Meniere’s disease, which is an inner ear disorder. Tinnitus is characterized by ringing, humming, or buzzing in the ears. Meniere’s disease is a long-term, progressive ear disorder that affects balance and hearing. Common symptoms of Meniere’s disease include sudden and severe vertigo, fluctuating tinnitus, increasing deafness, and the feeling of pressure of the inner ear.

The exact cause of Meniere’s disease is unknown, but there are factors that increase a person’s risk of developing the condition. These risk factors include increased pressure of the fluid in the endolymphatic sac and allergic factors damaging the inner ear. Still, the exact association between these risk factors and Meniere’s disease pathogenesis is not fully understood. Continue reading…

Understanding Meniere’s disease symptom: VertigoUnderstanding Meniere’s disease symptom: Vertigo


Vertigo is a common symptom in Meniere’s disease. It is the sensation of dizziness or spinning. A person may feel as if the room they are in is moving when, in fact, it is not. Meniere’s disease is a condition that affects the middle ear and is most common in those aged 40 to 60 years.

Aside from vertigo, Meniere’s disease can also cause hearing loss, dulled hearing, tinnitus, ear pressure, and distortion of loud sounds.

Vertigo is a troublesome symptom of Meniere’s disease, as it can affect a person’s ability to walk or even stand. The individual may feel as if they are spinning or the room is spinning, which can make their daily life difficult. Vertigo attacks in Meniere’s disease can vary from mild to quite severe. In severe cases of vertigo, one’s risk of injury increases, too. Continue reading…


Related Reading:

Lump behind ear: Painful and painless swelling, causes, symptoms, and treatment

Hearing tests in seniors: Screening for hearing loss in elderly
