
Category Archives: General Health

Popcorn: Health Snack or Saboteur?

When you sit down with a bag of popcorn for the movie or big game, are you having a healthy snack? It depends. Popcorn has been glorified as a healthy snack because it is a low-calorie, high-fiber whole grain. It can be a useful snack to help control or lose weight, while potentially prompting heart here to read more

5 Foods to Help Lower Blood Sugar

Type-2 diabetes can make eating a big challenge. In fact, even those looking to avoid type-2 diabetes can have trouble deciding what to eat and what to leave on the shelf, menu, or plate. The key to managing blood sugar is identifying foods that can boost it in a hurry, and those that don’t. At here to read more

Report: Nearly 400 Medical Procedures, Devices, Practices are Ineffective

Have you ever been convinced that a treatment protocol prescribed by your doctor just didn’t work? A new study suggests you could have been on to something. In an attempt to create a comprehensive list of ineffective or outdated medical procedures, devices, and practices, a research team looked at over 3,000 articles from three well-known here to read more


The Best Way to Get Dietary Fiber

Fiber is the stuff that helps you stay regular, right? Partly. In the last couple of years, the research on fiber’s benefits has been growing substantially, showing it is an instrumental part of overall health and wellness. And the more that is learned, the more important it is to make sure you’re getting about 25–35 here to read more

Tips to Asthma-Proof Your Home

If you or a family member has asthma, minimizing potential triggers in your home is an absolute must. Limiting flare-ups and asthma attacks can make your life easier, your home more comfortable, and allow you to enjoy a higher quality of life. Although you might not be able to eliminate every trigger all the time, here to read more

The Healthiest Nuts to Include in Your Diet

When reading about a healthy diet, nuts and legumes are always mentioned. But both food groups have such a variety, and some, like peanuts, are often mistaken for being one or another. Peanuts, for example, are not a nut, but a legume! In any event, both are packed with nutrients. Nuts, in particular, are nutritional here to read more

How You Can De-Stress in 5 Minutes

You probably hear a lot about how diet and lifestyle, like getting exercise and better sleep, can help relieve stress and anxiety. But you can’t exactly go for a run or take a power nap at a moment’s notice. When stress hits, sometimes you need to calm your nerves fast. Here are a few things here to read more

Study: Dog Owners Walk More, Get More Overall Activity Than Those Who Don’t Own Dogs

A brand-new study is showing that for most dog owners, the canine-human relationship comes with more than just friendship: it can provide measurable health benefits. New research is showing dog owners are four times more likely to meet the recommended physical activity guidelines than non-dog owners. And while that may make sense, the research uncovered here to read more