
Category Archives: General Health

Easy Ways to Improve Prostate Health

Do you experience painful pressure when you pee or ejaculate, or have a sense that you’ve got inflammation in your prostate? If you do, you may have a condition called prostatitis. Prostatitis is an inflamed prostate gland that can result from several causes. Sometimes it is due to a urinary tract infection, while other times, here to read more

Your Plan For Better Aging

Everyone knows someone who must be lying about their age. After all, how can they look like that and have all that energy if they were as old as you? After about 35 or 40, I’d say “the real you” starts to show, and it will typically go one way or the other. Some will here to read more

Teach Your Old Bladder Some New Tricks

One health concern you may have never planned on was bladder control. It seems that in many, age brings along nearly uncontrollable urges to run to the bathroom and incontinence. It makes even a short walk around the block a significant challenge. And let’s be real, you have a lot more to do than walk here to read more

Why a Natural Approach to Inflammation Might Be Your Best Choice

There’s a great chance you’ve taken anti-inflammatory medication at some point. Whether you needed some quick relief from a headache, allergic reaction, or joint pain, at one point or another, you’ve popped a pill or two. We all have. But if you’ve been taking a common doctor-prescribed anti-inflammatory, it might be messing with your metabolism here to read more


Is Your Favorite Health Food Always Healthy?

Superfoods are healthy; there is no doubt about that. They get their name from the fact that they are extremely nutrient-dense and pack a significant antioxidant punch. But that doesn’t always mean they are “good” for you. For example, let’s take a look at acai berries, the superfood of the last four years or so. here to read more

How Long Should It Take to Reach Your Weight Goals

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re aware that weight influences several health conditions. High body weight is often associated with high cholesterol, inflammation, joint pain, and a number of other chronic illnesses. Of course, being liberated from the rock also means you’ve heard a million-and-one gurus promising quick and healthy fat loss. But here to read more

2 Easy Ways to Boost Gut Health

If you enjoy your cup of coffee out in the sun each day, you could be doing your body a lot of good. Two new studies are showing that coffee and sunlight are big-time contributors to gut health. A “healthy gut” is determined by the bacterial populations (or flora, microbiota) that reside in the gut here to read more