
Category Archives: Brain Function

Dementia in Alzheimer’s Patients Can Worsen Due to Fluctuating Blood Pressure

For those who have Alzheimer’s disease, blood pressure that fluctuates could affect the rate of dementia. Research shows a new understanding of the links between Alzheimer’s disease and blood vessels and how they can worsen dementia. Almost six million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, including 200,000 people under the age of 65. It’s the here to read more

Can’t Sleep? Try Getting Out of Bed

We all have those nights where we can’t sleep. You could be as tired as can be, but no matter what, your brain is ruminating and stirring. Sleep is not an option. This might sound crazy, but one of the best things you can do in this situation is getting out of bed. There is here to read more

Study Finds Poor Diet May Affect Spatial Memory

Consuming a poor diet could affect spatial memory, according to a new study. Research shows that unhealthy eating may have adverse long-term effects on spatial memory, which is just another reminder of why it’s so important to give the body the proper nutrition it requires to thrive. The study, published in Scientific Reports, looked at here to read more


Your Eyes Might Reveal Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease: Study

New research shows how your eyes could be the window into seeing your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Since Alzheimer’s disease begins to alter and damage the brain many years before symptoms appear, early detection is often extremely difficult. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. It causes a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral, and social here to read more

Is Your Forgetfulness Normal?

Let’s face it: some things aren’t that important. Even people’s names just aren’t going to stick in your head. And that’s completely normal. Just because you’ve been called forgetful a few times or have a hard time recalling the occasional tidbit does not mean you need to panic. Memory lapses are normal. That’s not to here to read more

Sleep Duration Can Influence Your Heart Health

Your heart health could depend on your quality of sleep, according to a new study. Even those who are non-smokers, who exercise, and have no genetic predisposition to cardiovascular disease could be at risk of heart attack if their sleep cycle is off balance. The new study from the University of Colorado Boulder published in here to read more

Older Adults with Depression Have Increased Risk of Chronic Health Conditions

Among aging minorities, depression has now been linked to an increased risk of chronic health conditions. According to a new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, more than 50 percent of Chinese-American senior immigrants that experience depression are likely to have an increased risk of disability and chronic health conditions. According here to read more