
Category Archives: Brain Function

Severity of a Person’s Depression May Increase Risk of Having Heart Disease or Stroke

The severity of mental health issues, including depression, may have a connection to heart disease and stroke. A study presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions examined the connection between depression and non-fatal heart diseases such as heart failure, coronary heart disease, angina, heart attack, or stroke. The study looked at U.S. adults aged here to read more


Putting Your Brain’s Cleaning Crew to Work

Every night, when you’re off in dreamland, things are happening. Processes are underway throughout your body, all of it with the purpose of setting you off on the right foot tomorrow, and potentially many days after that. Some of the most important actions are taking place in your brain, where a biological cleaning crew comes here to read more

Tobacco Smoking Linked with Risk of Developing Depression and Schizophrenia

Research has shown that tobacco smoking is more common among people with mental illness, especially depression and schizophrenia. However, until now, there has been no evidence for cause-and-effect and in which direction. A new study published in Psychological Medicine poses the question, does mental illness increase the likelihood of smoking, or is smoking itself a here to read more

People Suffering from Chronically Itchy Skin Are Associated with Depression and Stress

Chronically itchy skin has now been linked to mental issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Itchy skin is a widespread symptom in patients suffering from skin diseases, and a new cross-sectional study is now showing the psychological burden that it can take on those suffering from the condition. The study published in the Journal here to read more

Natural Steps to Keep Your Brain Humming

In mid-October, a biotechnology company called Biogen claimed it has produced a drug that can slow down cognitive decline and the onset of Alzheimer’s. The product still needs to undergo FDA approval and is unlikely to be available—if it is approved—for at least two years. That’s pretty cool news. Unfortunately, news of new drugs isn’t here to read more

High Salt Diet May Trigger Cognitive Impairment through Alzheimer’s

New research shows how a high-salt diet may contribute to cognitive impairment by creating chemical changes to the protein associated with Alzheimer’s disease. This is yet another reminder by healthcare professionals to regulate salt consumption. This new research has found that a high-salt diet could cause a deficiency of the compound nitric oxide, which is here to read more

Study Suggests Massage, Outdoor Activities Ease Dementia More Than Drugs

For those who have dementia, aggression and agitation can be a daily struggle. But new research shows how unconventional therapies can go a long way in helping soothe these emotions in dementia patients. Non-drug therapies such as massage, touch therapy, and outdoor activities have been shown to help dementia patients who may be feeling aggression here to read more