
Category Archives: Brain Function

Dance Has Positive Effects on Depression: Study

Did you know that dancing has positive effects on depression? Studies have found that dancing can help improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a positive self-image. So, if you’re feeling down, why not give dancing a try? There are plenty of different types of dances to choose from, so you’re sure to find here to read more

Musical Intervention Benefits People with Dementia Connect with Loved Ones

Dementia affects people in different ways, but one common symptom is a decline in social skills, including the ability to communicate verbally. This can make it difficult for people with dementia to connect with loved ones. However, a new study suggests that musical intervention may help improve social skills and connectivity among those with dementia. here to read more


Is Anxiety the Cause of Effect of Your Racing Heart?

An anxiety attack can make you feel like the world is closing in around you. It can have physical symptoms like a faster heart rate, sweating, breathlessness, light-headedness, and chest pain. Of course, heart troubles can also elicit these responses. In some cases, the only difference between a heart issue and a panic attack or here to read more

Sleep Deprivation Affects Social Interactions, Making People Less Generous: Study

Did you know that sleep deprivation can lead to reduced interactions with others? A recent study found that sleep deprivation makes people less generous and social. This is likely because when we’re tired, our cognitive abilities are diminished, making it harder for us to process information and engage in social activities. So, if you’re feeling here to read more

Easy Activities That Could Slash Dementia Risk

Dementia affects millions, and future predictions expect those numbers to jump as the population continues to age. A new study, however, suggests this condition may not be inevitable. New research published in Neurology links several daily activities that may lower the risk for dementia, which likely comes as great news to you. Several previous studies here to read more

Sleep-Disordered Breathing Associated with Cardiac Arrhythmias: Study

New information from the American Heart Association (AHA) has provided new important guidelines about sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and cardiac arrhythmias. SBD is often undiagnosed, but new research shows how it may be associated with developing cardiac arrhythmia. Approximately 1 billion people suffer from SDB worldwide. Alterations in breathing during sleep characterize the condition. Previous studies here to read more