Articles Related To Bone Health.



Category Archives: Bone Health

Tips to avoid back pain while snow shoveling

Snow shoveling is often followed by back pain, but the former doesn’t have to automatically imply the latter. There are preventative measures you can take when snow shoveling to avoid back pain and enjoy a pain-free winter season. Snow shoveling is a very physical and strenuous activity. If done incorrectly, it can lead to injuries here to read more

Rheumatoid arthritis update 2017: Skin problems, depression, RA and feet, essential oils

An estimated 1.3 million Americans have rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that mainly affects the joints of those affected. Autoimmune diseases occur when your own body’s immune system mistakes your own tissue as a foreign invader, leading it to attack it. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of many autoimmune diseases, but one that affects so many. here to read more

Osteoporosis update 2017: Osteopenia vs. osteoporosis, can osteoporosis be reversed, and osteoporosis fractures

Osteoporosis is a serious public health issue that’s estimated to affect nearly 200 million people worldwide. At least 40 percent of women and 15–30 percent of men are expected to sustain one or more fragility fractures in their lifetime, possibly leading to future health-related complications. We at Bel Marra understand the gravity of having long-term here to read more

How to heal hamstring strain: Treatment, physical therapy, exercises, recovery time, and prevention

A hamstring strain can be a painful injury located in the muscles of the leg. The hamstring muscles consist of three posterior thigh muscles located between the hip and the knee, otherwise known as the back of the thigh. The Biceps Femoris muscle, the Semitendinosus muscle, and the Semimembranosus muscle, all begin as a tendon here to read more

9 tips to prevent bone loss

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that commonly affects older women. In osteoporosis, bones become fragile and brittle, increasing the risk of breaks and fractures leading to disability and a lower quality of life. In osteoporosis, the body’s ability to create more bone becomes limited, so more bone is being broken down than replaced. Some may here to read more


This food can help reduce joint pain

When you think of prunes, you probably think of a food that aids in digestion and keeps you regular. Although this is true, prunes can also benefit another aspect of your health – your joints. A U.S. study explored the benefits of prunes among those with osteoarthritis and found not only did patients experience less here to read more

How to treat gout naturally with essential oils

Essential oils for gout is an effective remedy available for sufferers of this type of arthritic pain. Gout is a complex form of arthritis that can affect anyone. Men are typically affected more often, but postmenopausal women become increasingly susceptible in their later years. It is thought that female hormones play some role in the here to read more

Bone spurs in neck (cervical osteophytes): Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, exercises, and natural remedies

Having bone spurs in the neck or cervical osteophytes can be so painful that it affects a person’s day to day life. While the development of neck bone spurs is generally considered a relatively benign condition occurring in people greater than 60 years old, they may eventually lead to neurological dysfunctions that may cause a here to read more

Why you should eat more yogurt

Yogurt is a delicious and healthy snack, along with being a great source of essential nutrients including protein and calcium. If you already enjoy yogurt regularly, kudos to you, research says you will most likely have stronger bones compared to someone who doesn’t eat it. The large observational study found that an increase in yogurt here to read more