Articles Related To Bone Health.



Category Archives: Bone Health

Things You Can Do to Lower Your Risk of Arthritis Developing and Causing Pain in Spine

It’s a fact of life that adults are more likely to experience pain from arthritis in the spine than younger individuals. Yet, this doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to develop arthritis. Instead, you can take steps to minimize your risk of developing the condition, reducing both the likelihood of acquiring it and staying comfortable if here to read more

Is Aspirin Good for Your Bones, Too?

If there’s ever been a wonder drug, it’s Aspirin. Not only is it a pain reliever, but there is also evidence that it can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Some research has also linked it to better bone health and a lower risk of fractures. Now a recent study has looked more here to read more

Exercise May Can Help Ease the Pain in Arthritic Knees

If you’ve got sore knees caused by osteoarthritis, you may be apprehensive about exercise. Don’t be. Strengthening the muscles around the joints can ease pain and restore quality to your life. New research has found that even short bouts of exercise can help to reduce knee pain from osteoarthritis and improve range of motion. Knee here to read more


Older Adults with Fracture Risk and Chronic Medical Conditions Do Not Receive Osteoporosis Treatment

Older adults with a higher fracture risk and chronic medical conditions often don’t get the treatment for osteoporosis they require to treat the underlying condition. Due to this oversight, patients can often have poorer health outcomes. We’ll dive into this today and discuss why it’s important for everyone, especially those living in at-risk situations, to here to read more

Figuring Out Arthritis in Your Hands

Your hands might just be your most valuable tools. They allow you to button your shirt, open jars, feed yourself, and communicate with friends. So, when they start getting stiff, sore, and change shape, it can be highly concerning. What’s happening? Arthritis is the most likely cause and can rob you of independence. Your fingers here to read more

Are Pain Pills Making Your Arthritic Knees Worse?

Countless people pop popular pain medications to help them cope with joint pain to make it through the day. But that short-term relief could come at a long-term cost, according to some new research. A new study suggests that over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication like aspirin, Aleve, or ibuprofen may make arthritic knee pain worse. The here to read more

Can A Fracture Kill You?

When you think of breaking your bones, you might not necessarily think of death. But don’t be mistaken: a broken bone can be life-threatening. Some can be more dangerous than others. And if you’ve got an existing condition like heart disease, kidney disease, or other complex health conditions, a fracture could be even more dangerous. here to read more