Author Archives : Emily Lunardo

Emily Lunardo studied medical sociology at York University with a strong focus on the social determinants of health and mental illness. She is a registered Zumba instructor, as well as a Canfit Pro trainer, who teaches fitness classes on a weekly basis. Emily practices healthy habits in her own life as well as helps others with their own personal health goals. Emily joined Bel Marra Health as a health writer in 2013.


10 Natural Remedies & Tips To Improve Ear Circulation

The ability to hear has a lot to do with inner ear circulation. Blood circulation supports bodily functions and supplies organs and body parts with essential nutrients to function correctly. Poor inner ear circulation may result in hearing problems, dizziness, and even Meniere’s disease. Therefore, maintaining healthy blood circulation – in the inner ear and here to read more

Mild cognitive impairment slowed with acupuncture: Study

A new study has found that acupuncture may slow down pre-dementia memory loss and mild cognitive impairment. Based on their review of five different studies on the subject, Chinese researchers found that acupuncture may slow down memory loss progression, and even help retain memory function when combined with other treatments. The findings are still preliminary, here to read more


Why is Brazil affected by Zika virus?

It may seem quite random that of all countries in the world Zika virus outbreak is taking place in Brazil. Why Brazil? And why now? These are some of the questions the investigator are trying to answer. Dr. Prabhjot Singh, chair of the Department of Health System Design & Global Health at the Icahn School here to read more

Blurred vision: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Blurred vision can be due to a number of reasons. For some, blurred vision is a temporary symptom, and for others, it may turn into a chronic condition. Understanding the cause of your blurred vision is important for proper management of the condition and your own convenience. Blurred vision is the loss of vision sharpness. here to read more

Infections from kidney stones and other urinary tract obstructions twice as common in women: Study

Infections from kidney stones and other urinary tract obstructions are twice as common in women as they are in men. In addition, the researchers observed higher rates of complications following one of two urgent treatments for the effects of kidney stones and urinary tract obstructions (urolithiasis). The research showed that women are at a higher here to read more

Sleep problems tied to a higher stroke risk

A new study has found that too little or too much sleep could affect stroke risk and even stroke recovery. Based on the review of 29 previously published studies, the researchers concluded that sleep disorders are related to a higher stroke risk and impaired stroke recovery. Lead researcher Dr. Dirk Hermann said, “Sleep disturbances are here to read more
