Author Archives : Bel Marra Health


Myth Busted: No Such Thing as Left-Brained or Right-Brained Thinker

Throughout your life, you’ve probably been labelled as a “left-brained” or “right-brained” thinker depending on your typical thought processes.  If you’re logical, sensible and detail-oriented, you’ve probably been labeled as a “left-brained” thinker. A creative and subjective person would have likely been labeled as a “right-brained” thinker.  Previous research has hinted at the idea that here to read more

Determine Your Stroke Risk Through Your Eyes

The eyes have always been called “the windows to the soul”, but could they be the window to your heart as well? A brand new study published in the Hypertension Journal by the American Heart Association presented some pretty amazing findings: retinal imaging could determine a person’s likelihood of hypertension and stroke. This could change the face here to read more

Fatter Babies May Be Smarter Grown-Ups

One of the things that new mother’s do best is worry — worry about the baby’s sleep pattern, worry about the baby’s comfort level, worry about the baby not eating enough, or about the baby eating too much. Baby’s weight is actually one of the top concerns for new moms who, depending on which generation here to read more


Taller People Are More Prone to Cancer

People that are tall often attribute it to “good genes,” and they are right – genetics do have a large part to play in a person’s height. However, the results of a new study suggest that being tall may not actually be a ‘good’ gene—and the same genes responsible for being tall may contribute to here to read more

What Your Pee Says About Your Health

This may come as a shock to you, but there was a time when people tasted their own urine to gauge their health. Even doctors tasted their patients’ urine to diagnose them. Thankfully, these extreme measures are no longer necessary. Urine has been used for thousands of years as an indicator of good health. Your here to read more
