Articles Related To Diets.



Category Archives: Diets

Important Diet Changes for Liver Patients

The liver is the largest solid organ in the body and serves a critical role in our overall health. Liver disease patients face a number of intestinal problems that are treated with medications; however, certain diets have proved to benefit those who are suffering. How liver works The liver has some critical functions, including the here to read more

Fiber for a Healthy Smile?

Would you choose grapefruit or pancakes for breakfast?  In the last decades, the list of functional foods has grown, resulting in a change in the eating habits and lifestyles of society.  Functional foods refer to consumable items that have been determined to contain natural compounds that are beneficial to the body.  These food items can here to read more

Hidden Ways Wheat is Making You Gain Weight

Wheat is the primary source of carbohydrates in many of our diets, and the average American consumes a whopping 55 pounds of wheat flour per year! Many of us our well aware that a diet full of refined wheat products such as croissants and bagels is not exactly conductive to good health. However, recent research here to read more

Sugar is Killing You

One of the world’s deadliest killers couldn’t appear any sweeter, and each year it will contribute in the deaths of 35 million people. And if nothing is done, it appears that number could continue to grow. Last September for the first time in history, sugar was identified as one of the world’s most dangerous killers. here to read more

Do Good Looks Equal Good Health?

As children, many were taught to never judge a book by its cover. Research, however, suggests otherwise. A number of studies have shown that the foods and other things people consume will eventually begin to show up on the outside, and it’s not just about obesity and lack of exercise. Many studies suggest that what here to read more


The Truth Behind Your Weight Gain

Food producers have been quick to respond to consumer demand for healthier food alternatives low in saturated fat. Many people have been successful in reducing their calorie intake and their weight as a result. However, we can’t be fooled; some products on store shelves have labels that are misleading and can actually cause weight gain, here to read more

Paying the Price of an Unhealthy Diet

Most of us have probably thought, at one time or another, “wow, that trip to the grocery store was really expensive”, you then looked in your bags are saw apples, carrots, lettuce, whole wheat bread and so on.  The problem is that not everyone can afford to do this; many people can’t afford to eat here to read more

How To End Wintertime Laziness

It’s so easy to be lazy, not continuing your exercise routine during the cold, often torturous, winter months in Canada.  But, it’s not impossible to continue with a regular regimen of exercise.  The two most dangerous conditions to be aware of when exercising in extreme cold temperatures are frostbite and hypothermia.  Read on to learn tips that here to read more

Is Fruit Making You Fat?

Following the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s revamped food pyramid in June, there has been a great deal of buzz surrounding the effect of high quantities of fruit on weight control. Traditionally fruit has been considered so beneficial that the government set a 5-a-day standard as a bare minimum amount of fruit and vegetables you should here to read more

An Easy Way to Reduce Your Sweet Tooth

Chocolate tastes too good and a lot of us have the infamous sweet tooth. But chocolate is very high in sugar, calories and fat. So here comes some health news that offers nutrition advice, mixed with exercise advice. Here is how to cut your chocolate consumption in half. Researchers found that simply walking for 15 here to read more