Weight Loss

Strange Psychological Response to Sugary Food

Do you find sweet-tasting food items more appealing than other food products?  The search for that particular sweet taste has been a part of our nutrition and has influenced human behavior for centuries.  The sweet taste in certain food items may be comforting and appealing, yet its consumption may also increase one’s risk of obesity, ...click here to read more

The Wonders of Tai Chi for the Elderly

Have you ever considered using tai chi as your regular form of exercise?  Tai chi originated from China in the 15th century by the Taoist priest, Zhang San Feng, for his practice of religion and philosophy.  Two centuries later, tai chi evolved into an area of martial arts.  Today, tai chi pertains to an exercise ...click here to read more

Obesity is a True Epidemic

Does your body mass index (BMI) suggest that you need to lose weight or register in a local weight loss program?   For decades, BMI has been regarded as the standard tool in determining the amount of body fat of an individual, based on the ratio of the person’s height and weight.  The BMI of a ...click here to read more

White Bean Extract: Is it for Real?

People’s diets have changed drastically over the past few decades. Diets now consist of high-fat, high-carbohydrate, and calorie packed foods that have added on pounds to millions of people. The change in the diets of has increased obesity levels in this country – approximately 25% of North American adults are obese. It is accepted that ...click here to read more

The Real Reason Why You Are Fat

There have been countless studies linking personal genes to an individual’s ability to achieve and maintain weight loss. Certain people for instance, are blessed with naturally fast metabolisms, and certain genes can increase the tendency of a person’s body to store excess fat.  A recent ground-breaking study has found that there is an additional way ...click here to read more

3 Reasons Obesity is Still an Epidemic

Every year, North Americans spend an enormous amount of money on weight loss diets to help them lose weight, so why is obesity still a problem? Obesity, although it is very visible in society, is one of the most neglected health problems around the world. Obesity can lead to complications including diabetes, high blood pressure ...click here to read more

The Hidden Reasons Sugar Might Be Killing You

If you have recently decided to follow a weight loss regimen, it is important that you understand which food items can be included in your daily diets and which ones should be avoided. It appears that natural weight loss is the safest method for shedding those pounds. Everybody knows that certain beverages and drinks that ...click here to read more

The Mystery Behind Counting Calories

For years people have used calorie reduction as a primary tool to lose weight, but for a lot of people this method doesn’t seem to work. Those who study the science of nutrition say we should all understand the mystery behind counting calories to lose weight. If you’ve been counting calories but not noticing any ...click here to read more

Stick to Your Resolutions!

With the New Year still in its infancy, many people are working hard to improve their lives. To many, the New Year symbolizes a time of re-invention. Unfortunately, many New Year’s resolutions are abandoned almost as quickly as they are conceived. That doesn’t mean, however, that sticking to a resolution is impossible. The following is ...click here to read more

An Easy Way to Reduce Your Sweet Tooth

Chocolate tastes too good and a lot of us have the infamous sweet tooth. But chocolate is very high in sugar, calories and fat. So here comes some health news that offers nutrition advice, mixed with exercise advice. Here is how to cut your chocolate consumption in half. Researchers found that simply walking for 15 ...click here to read more