Eye Health

Save Your Vision Month: Declining vision, peripheral vision loss, sudden blurred vision, ocular hypertension

This March is National Save Your Vision Month, put on by the American Optometric Association to raise awareness for eye health. In recognition, we’ve gathered some of our most informative pieces regarding declining vision, peripheral vision loss, sudden blurred vision, and ocular hypertension. Your declining vision could signal a serious health problem When our vision ...click here to read more

Potential effects of marijuana on vision

Researchers are exploring the possible effects of marijuana on vision. The researchers found abnormal changes in the eyes’ retina associated with regular use of cannabis. The researchers aimed to explore the effects of marijuana use on the function of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Marijuana is known to act on the central neurotransmission, so studying the ...click here to read more

Glow sticks can pose serious health threats

Although glow sticks can be fun for people of all ages, they can pose a serious health risk if they end up breaking. Glow sticks are generally safer than sparklers, but the plastic that surrounds the glowing inside can be easily broken, which can lead to skin and eye irritation. Some glow sticks contain a ...click here to read more

Zika affects eyes in adults: Study

Previous reports found that Zika virus can affect the vision of children, but a new study has uncovered that it can also affect the eyes of adults. Doctors in Brazil found that a man infected with Zika virus developed a potentially severe eye condition. Coauthor Dr. Benedito Antonio Lopes da Fonseca said, “Zika patients should ...click here to read more

Surprising food helps improve vision

You probably heard that if you want to improve your vision you should eat carrots, but a new study has shown that bananas are beneficial for your vision, too. Fruits in general can provide disease-fighting properties and should be part of your healthy eating routine – an apple a day keeps the doctor away, as ...click here to read more

The real cause of your failing vision

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the number one cause of vision loss, which can contribute to blindness among seniors. Nearly 20 percent of seniors aged 65 to 75 suffer from AMD and yet much is still unknown about the condition. In age-related macular degeneration, abnormal blood vessels invade the retina, and the macula – located ...click here to read more

This food can help improve your vision

Our bodies and our health rely heavily on proper nutrition as you can tell there are many diets put in place for different parts of the body. For example there is a diet for the heart, the brain and even specific diets for bone health. Like the heart, brain and bones, our eyes, too, require ...click here to read more

5 tips for better vision

Vision problems are quite common the older we get but it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to become victim to failing vision. In fact there are natural things you can do in order to maintain healthy vision. Some vision changes are minor and so we may not even notice them, but others can be quite ...click here to read more