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The Healthy Truth: 2017 Health Food Trends

Welcome back, friends! I hope you enjoyed your holidays and that you (somewhat) stuck to your diet. If you didn’t, don’t feel too bad about it. Overeating and failure to make the right food choices are often unavoidable during the holidays. I can admit myself that healthy choices weren’t always made. Now that it’s the here to read more

Diabetes diet: Healthy snacks for managing diabetes

Consuming healthy snacks can better help manage diabetes. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) suggests that avoiding the vending machine is also a wise decision when living with diabetes. There are numerous snacks that can boost energy all the while being low in fat, sugar, and salt which diabetics can enjoy. Choosing healthy snacks and monitoring here to read more

12 simple tips to protect your joints this winter

It is not uncommon for people to experience joint pain when the cold winter weather sets in, especially if a person suffers from arthritis, but why does this happen and how can we deal with it? Rheumatologists say there are ways to ease the suffering from wintertime joint pain by following simple tips. While scientists here to read more

Tips to ease joint pain in the winter

You may find that your joint pain worsens in the winter months. As the dropping temperatures chill your bones, your joints feel achy and stiffer. Wintertime joint pain can make the cold months far worse, and if you already aren’t keen on the season, you probably dread it once your joint pain starts acting up. here to read more


Asthma may be worsened with cured meat

Cured meat may aggravate asthma, according to research findings. The researchers found that regular consumption of cured meats may aggravate asthma. The researchers looked at nearly 1,000 people with respiratory disease and found that the more cured meat one consumed the higher the risk of worsening asthma symptoms – 76 percent higher, to be precise. here to read more

The Healthy Truth: Year-end roundup

Dear Friends, It’s that time of the year when we reflect on the past twelve months – but also look forward to the New Year. In 2016, I began my journey of sharing with you my insights on health and so far I’ve been having a blast! I have shared stories from my life to here to read more

Osteoporosis diet plan: Foods to eat and avoid

In osteoporosis prevention, diet plays a crucial role – along with exercise. While growing up you probably didn’t think too much about eating foods that could prevent osteoporosis. Sure, you enjoyed dairy products, but you’d be the first to agree, it had more to do with taste, than to promote bone health. Now that you’re here to read more
