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9 steps for better brain health

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease cases are on the rise as the world’s population gets older. These brain disorders are associated with significant memory loss and can impair one’s ability to care for themselves. As time goes by, a person’s memory begins to fade away, forgetting loved ones’ names and even important life events. Although Alzheimer’s here to read more

Home remedies for ovarian cysts

In many cases, they are harmless, but there are situations where women will require relief from ovarian cyst pain, so it is worth noting that there are home remedies for them. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can develop in or on the surface of a woman’s ovaries. The majority of women will have at here to read more

How to get rid of a UTI naturally?

Just how to get rid of a UTI is a common dilemma, since many people—especially women—have experienced at least one in their lifetime. A UTI is a urinary tract infection, and it is the second most common infection in the human body. Women are especially prone to UTIs since the urethra is short, which gives here to read more


6 foods you should never eat raw

Some foods can be eaten raw, while others are good only when cooked. Meat, for the most part, should be cooked in order to reduce the risk of salmonella and other bacteria. On the other hand, many vegetables and fruits can be eaten raw – as long as they are washed thoroughly. But there are here to read more

Can you reverse heart disease?

Is it possible to reverse heart disease? Well, we know that regular exercise, stress reduction, watching your weight, and eating a healthy diet can definitely slow down heart disease progression, but can it be reversed altogether? Unfortunately, it cannot, though some damage can be undone through a healthy lifestyle. Eating a certain diet and embarking here to read more

How to properly diagnose lower back pain

Although you feel pain in your lower back, the origin of that pain may begin in the groin, thighs, knee, or buttocks. Unfortunately, determining the origin of pain can be a difficult task for many doctors, as symptoms can greatly overlap. For this reason, a new article was published in the Journal of the American here to read more

Improve joint pain with these tips

If you’re battling joint pain, be it temporary or chronic, you know how much of a pain it can really be. Some days, it can get so bad that getting out of bed is a struggle, while on other occasions it seems to get progressively worse with each passing hour. Joint pain takes a toll here to read more
