Search Results for: brain


Foods for Better Brain Power

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a magic pill for brainpower? Or at least a food you could eat to ensure your memory and decision-making abilities remained at a high level into the future? Unfortunately, things are not so easy. Memory slips and cognitive decline are commonplace with age. Low stimulation, inflammation, isolation, and here to read more

Gains, Brains, And Belly Fat

A recent study has found that more muscle and less belly fat might be the key to preserving intelligence and brain health in advanced age. The study found that people with more belly fat and less muscle mass had less “fluid intelligence” as they aged, and is likely the result of immune system changes initiated here to read more

Putting Your Brain’s Cleaning Crew to Work

Every night, when you’re off in dreamland, things are happening. Processes are underway throughout your body, all of it with the purpose of setting you off on the right foot tomorrow, and potentially many days after that. Some of the most important actions are taking place in your brain, where a biological cleaning crew comes here to read more


Natural Steps to Keep Your Brain Humming

In mid-October, a biotechnology company called Biogen claimed it has produced a drug that can slow down cognitive decline and the onset of Alzheimer’s. The product still needs to undergo FDA approval and is unlikely to be available—if it is approved—for at least two years. That’s pretty cool news. Unfortunately, news of new drugs isn’t here to read more

Daily Habits for a Healthy Brain

It might be strange to think about, but your health is a reflection of the life you’ve lived and the decisions you make every day. Most people don’t just wake up one day with heart disease, type-2 diabetes, or dementia—they are conditions that build over time. Your daily habits can play a massive role in here to read more
