Search Results for: flu


Can You Massage Away an Ear Ache?

Sometimes a stupid mistake can lead to some unwanted pain—or worse. For example, I was in a rush the other day and went out in the cold before fully drying from a shower. A little bit of water must have been in my ear, and for the next day and a half, I was feeling here to read more

Beat Boredom Because It’s Bad for Your Health

It’s been said that “idle hands are the devil’s tool” and quite frankly, it’s true. And if you’re recently retired, or just flat-out bored, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Boredom might not appear like a health risk at first glance. But it’s sneaky—just like the devil, and could contribute to high cholesterol, elevated here to read more

How Long Should It Take to Reach Your Weight Goals

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re aware that weight influences several health conditions. High body weight is often associated with high cholesterol, inflammation, joint pain, and a number of other chronic illnesses. Of course, being liberated from the rock also means you’ve heard a million-and-one gurus promising quick and healthy fat loss. But here to read more

Calm Cramps In Your Legs

There you are, tucked away deep in dreamland. Then it hits. You’re startled awake by excruciating pain in your calf. You can’t move and you don’t know what to do. Calf cramps are the worst. Not only can they wake up in the middle of the night, but that can hit while you’re watching television here to read more


Subtle Signs You Might Have A Heart Problem

Unfortunately for women, the health space has traditionally been male-dominated. That means that much of the existing research in various areas, including heart health, is skewed. And that’s a huge deal, mainly because men and women don’t experience heart problems in the same way. Men, like the actors in Hollywood, experience a heart attack in here to read more

Putting Your Brain’s Cleaning Crew to Work

Every night, when you’re off in dreamland, things are happening. Processes are underway throughout your body, all of it with the purpose of setting you off on the right foot tomorrow, and potentially many days after that. Some of the most important actions are taking place in your brain, where a biological cleaning crew comes here to read more

2 Easy Ways to Boost Gut Health

If you enjoy your cup of coffee out in the sun each day, you could be doing your body a lot of good. Two new studies are showing that coffee and sunlight are big-time contributors to gut health. A “healthy gut” is determined by the bacterial populations (or flora, microbiota) that reside in the gut here to read more

Is Noise Another Threat to Your Heart?

High blood pressure affects more than 100 million adults in America. The usual culprits are diet and inactivity—but maybe you’ve heard enough of all that noise. Or perhaps you’ve heard so much noise that it, too, is raising your blood pressure. A new study published in PLOS One has found a close correlation between noise here to read more

Are You Ready for the End of Daylight Savings?

If the cooler temperatures and shorter days weren’t already taking a toll on you, a knockout punch is set to be delivered in the wee hours of November 3. The end of daylight savings time can spell big news for people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a condition that strikes roughly two-percent of the population. here to read more
