Search Results for: Health


This one thing is putting your heart at risk

Many women experience hot flashes during menopause, but research suggests that this may also be a sign of heart problems. The researchers tracked the health of 272 non-smoking women between the ages of 40 and 60. The researchers found that for women aged 40 to 53, frequent hot flashes were associated with poor blood vessel here to read more

Understanding shift work sleep disorder and tips to cope

Shift-work sleep disorder (SWSD) is a condition that affects workers who perform changing shifts or work at night. Nearly 20 percent of the U.S. workforce takes part in shift work, which goes against a person’s natural circadian rhythm. SWSD develops as a result of recurrent sleep disruptions and is most commonly seen among individuals who here to read more

Rodents pave the way for an eventual hepatitis C vaccine

Viral infections are some of the most difficult problems medical professionals have to face. They can be highly contagious, easily spread, and very difficult to treat. This is why most viral infections, such as the common cold, are only managed by treating the symptoms until the body can effectively eliminate the foreign organism. Not all here to read more

Estrogen levels linked to depression risk in women: Study

Depression is a constant sadness affecting our activity level, behavior, thoughts, feelings, and sense of well-being. Those affected often feel empty and worthless, which could lead to erratic behavior or even suicide. There are numerous causes for the development of depression such as negative life events, psychiatric illness, or it could even be substance induced. here to read more


Electricity does not cause humans to sleep less

A new study has found that people sleep the same amount with or without electricity. In recent years, more and more information has come about surrounding the importance of sleep and the various sleep disorders that affect people. Scientists and researchers have become particularly interested in learning more about how our ancestors slept and if here to read more

Six things you can do for strong bones

If you’re over the age of 50, then bone health is a real concern for you. This is because as we age our bones can become weaker, especially if you are a woman—a drop in estrogen can increase your risk of osteoporosis. It’s estimated that one in two women over the age of 50 will here to read more

The superfood you should be eating more of

What do kale, spinach, pomegranates, quinoa, and goji berries have in common? At one point or another they were deemed a “superfood,” meaning they are highly nutritious with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that all work to improve and support good health. Well, another food item comes to mind as a superfood, and you may or here to read more
