Search Results for: Health


Is your job putting your joints at risk?

If you suffer from aching joints, then you may have your current or previous occupation to blame. A recent study examined common occupations to determine which ones would increase your risk of joint pain and arthritis. Some of the research’s findings included that electricians have double the risk of developing arthritis while bricklayers have three here to read more

Your risk of death doubles because of this…

HDL cholesterol is known as the “good” cholesterol because it helps move along LDL cholesterol, which can clog your arteries and increase your risk of a heart-related event. You may think that the more HDL cholesterol you have the better your health must be, right? Wrong. Studies have shown that when it comes to HDL here to read more


Study finds osteoporosis strongly linked to genes

Osteoporosis is a disorder of the bone that causes them to become weak and brittle to the extent where a minor fall could lead to a fracture. Treatment for the condition often includes reducing the risk of called and prescription drugs that help to reduce bone loss. While current treatment regimens have provided some relief here to read more

This fruit boosts your libido

When you think of dates—the fruit, not going for dinner—you probably think of digestive issues and constipation. That’s because they are known to help you in such cases. But dates can also be enjoyed to improve another area of health—sexual function in men. Experts suggest that men should include dates in their diet as a here to read more

Lower your cholesterol with this diet

Your doctor told you that you have high cholesterol, so now what? Well, you know that diet and exercise can go a long way in reducing cholesterol, but it can be difficult to navigate the world of healthy eating. However, there is good news. Lately, more and more research suggests that a vegetarian diet is here to read more
