Search Results for: diabetes


New Study Links Artificial Sweeteners to Heart Risks

Artificial sweeteners are often touted as a healthy way for people to enjoy their favorite sweet treats. But a growing body of research suggests that things aren’t always what they seem. It’s true these non-nutritive sweeteners have zero calories and can offer the sweet satisfaction of a soda without diabetes or heart disease-inducing sugar. But here to read more

Would You Drink Less Soda If It Was Taxed Higher?

Do you think you’d consume less sugar if sugary drinks like soda and energy drinks were taxed at an additional rate? A new study suggests you likely would not. New research looking at the city of Philadelphia’s tax on sugar-sweetened drinks found that all it really did was turn people to eating more sugary foods here to read more

The Easiest Way to Get More Fiber in Your Day

Americans don’t get enough fiber. Some estimates suggest that, on average, Americans eat about half of what they should be. That can contribute to all types of problems. Fiber can help with digestion, gut health, immunity, metabolism, hunger, and blood sugar. Further, the foods that feature it often contribute to benefits like heart health, weight here to read more

What Happens To Your Body When You’re Sedentary

Activity, activity, activity. It may be like it’s all you hear sometimes. There’s a good reason why that advice dominates: it has a lot of benefits, including lower risk for a host of chronic conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes. It can also help with mobility. It’s biggest benefit can be that it offers here to read more

