Search Results for: dementia


Can Food Choices Help Your Memory? It Depends

What you eat everyday can influence how you remember and your risk for dementia. But you have to be patient. For example, if you eat a ton of veggies, fish, whole fruits, and whole grains, you might not function exceptionally different than someone that eats an unhealthier diet. It’s not like every time you eat here to read more

Keeping Your Mind Healthy During in Social Distancing

So, you’re staying inside and isolated to protect yourself from COVID-19. And while you’re reducing your risk for contracting the virus, you could be boosting the risk for other illnesses. Self-isolation is a trade-off. Staying in and limiting contact with others for the foreseeable future can offer self-protection, protection for loved ones, and for society here to read more

Can Going Low-Carb Keep Your Brain Young?

Ketogenic and low-carbohydrate diets have been the rage for quite some time. But they might help you do more than just lose weight. According to some new research, cutting carbs might slow, or prevent, brain aging. Your brain requires about 20% of your body’s total energy stores to function properly. The energy comes from two here to read more

Low Salt Diet May Improve Your Heart Health

Lowering salt intake could be the key to protecting your heart. According to a new study, cutting salt intake can not only reduce blood pressure in patients with existing hypertension but also help those who are not yet at risk. Researchers found that salt not only cut blood pressure levels, but the fall was directly here to read more

An Easy to Follow Guide for an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Food choices can fight or promote inflammation. And although reaching for a pill may help quell a headache or arthritic flare-up, they won’t do the job in preventing heart disease, type-2 diabetes, or future flare-ups. To get those anti-inflammatory benefits, your best bet might be an anti-inflammatory diet. Chronic low-grade inflammation is associated with a here to read more


Do Good Friends Mean Good Health?

When you get busy, your friends are usually the first to go. You stop seeing them, and when you run into them at the grocery store and decide a meet-up is due, it almost never materializes. Your spouse, partner, or family members can fall aside too. Your partner may turn into a punching bag for here to read more

Spices for Circulation

There are a lot of reasons why you should care about blood circulation. Poor circulation can lead pain, cramps, cold hands and feet, digestive troubles, and more. It may even signify potential heart problems or speed up issues like dementia. When nutrient-rich oxygenated blood is having trouble spreading throughout your body, serious problems can arise. here to read more

2 Common Types of Forgetfulness

There you are, pacing around your home with your blood pressure rising. For the past 20-minutes, the frustration has been mounting, and you’re about ready to blow when you discover your wallet right where you left it: on top of your toilet. Sure, it should have been in its usual spot by the entrance. But here to read more
