Search Results for: arthritis


This Is the Best Oil to Relieve Joint Pain

Living with painful, swollen joints can be debilitating and negatively affect your quality of life. You probably already take over-the-counter or even prescription medications to relieve joint pain, but maybe these aren’t as effective as you hoped they’d be. If you’re looking for greater joint pain relief, then you’ll want to get your hands on here to read more

How Aging Is Affecting Your Medications

Medications are taken as a means to treat ailments, but as we age, it can become increasingly difficult for medications to work as intended. Medication is absorbed into the body and distributed, metabolized, then removed from the body through urine. Aging can affect how medications are absorbed, metabolized, and released. Here are some common factors here to read more

Over the Age of 65? You Need This Health Test

Women are prone to osteoporosis more so than men, especially over the age of 50. Researchers suggest that to prevent bone fractures in older women, they should undergo bone scans. Osteoporosis causes bones to become weaker, which increases the risk of fractures. Bone fractures in older age can contribute to loss of independence along with here to read more


Swollen Legs? It Could Be This

There are many different reasons for swollen legs, which vary in severity. Common causes include hot temperatures, poor circulation, high salt diet, inflammation, injury, or another underlying medical condition. When your legs swell, it can be painful, make it difficult to walk, and even keep you awake at night. Basically, swollen legs are uncomfortable, and here to read more

Is This the Secret to a Good Night’s Sleep?

There is a lot of hype around cannabidiol (CBD), which is a compound in cannabis. Unlike THX, another compound that creates psychoactive effects, CBD doesn’t and is continued to be studied for its potential effects to improve a variety of ailments. So far, CBD is most noted for the treatment of severe forms of epilepsy here to read more

Stiff Joints: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

An increasing number of people suffer from stiff joints, which means that they have difficulty moving the joints. There are a number of reasons for joint stiffness but knowing the cause and how to properly address it can help keep you mobile. With age, stiff joints are expected. After years of use, the joints, muscles, here to read more
