Search Results for: calories


Dieting increases factors with anti-diabetes properties in blood

New research studies done on rats shows that restricted calories can lead to an increase in certain blood factors. These factors can cause modification of energy-producing mitochondria within the insulin-producing cells that regulate blood sugar levels. This reaction positively impacts glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and protects cells against glucose toxicity as well as fatty acid toxicity. here to read more

People consume more food when labeled ‘healthy’

A new study has found in an effort to improve their diet people will over consume foods labeled “healthy.” The findings suggest that people will have larger portions, eat more and feel less full when they eat foods portrayed as healthy. Study author Jacob Suher said, “It’s quite ironic. The more we put out foods here to read more

Beige fat activation could combat obesity

A new study from Georgia State University has found that converting white fat into beige fat could combat obesity. White fat cells store calories and beige fat cells are what burn energy. The body naturally converts white fat into brownish fat (beige fat) by using heat production and increasing the sympathetic nervous system’s (SNS) supply here to read more

Diabetes prevention at work possible with intervention

Workplaces can be effective areas to promote diabetes prevention by implementing intervention programs. It has been found that people who work in offices have higher blood sugar, so workplace interventions can help them make healthier lifestyle choices to help reduce the risk of diabetes. For the study employees with prediabetes were identified – elevated blood here to read more


How to Lower Hypercholesterolemia Naturally

Cholesterol is a growing concern as we continue to age. In our younger years, we didn’t think twice about it. But now that we’re older, we’ve become more mindful of maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. But what’s with the hype surrounding cholesterol? We know that our bodies naturally produce cholesterol, and we can also obtain it here to read more
