Search Results for: arthritis


Can Collagen Keep You Young?

These days, collagen has become a highly touted superfood. People are putting it in their morning shakes and coffees, while others are making bone broth to use daily. Its potential benefits are all aimed at helping people look and feel younger. Collagen is essentially the glue that holds your body’s tissue together. It is a here to read more

Building a Future of Good Health

What is anti-aging? I mean, really. Is it about how you look on the outside or how you feel on the inside? It’s a bit of both. Healthy aging is about getting older without disease or disability. It’s about maintaining a high level of cognitive and physical function and actively engaging with life. Healthy aging, here to read more

Controlling a Massive Contributor to Joint Pain

There is no denying the association between weight and joint pain. The heavier you are, the more pressure there is on your joints, particularly in the lower body. People with existing musculoskeletal disorders, like arthritis, feel it even worse. It’s a tricky relationship. There is plenty of data to suggest that moving more, which will here to read more

Getting a Handle on Hand Pain

When joint pain hits the hands, it makes the simplest things a major challenge. Changing the channel on the television, gripping a spoon, or simply sitting to relax can become impossible. Sometimes, pain in the fingers and hands takes hold. But for some, the grip is tight and recurring. If the pain is caused by here to read more

Joint Pain: Why You MUST Start Walking

If you’re not walking much because of joint pain in your hips and knees, it’s high-time for a change. A new study is showing that many people who suffer from osteoarthritis are not walking as far each day as they felt they could, and that could translate to a higher risk of premature death. Osteoarthritis here to read more

Standing Tall to Prevent and Ease Pain

All it takes is a quick look back at your day to illustrate how little you likely think about posture. The truth is that it’s just not something most people consider as they navigate their day or perform activities that are often taken for granted. But body position can play a major role in your here to read more

An Easy to Follow Guide for an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Food choices can fight or promote inflammation. And although reaching for a pill may help quell a headache or arthritic flare-up, they won’t do the job in preventing heart disease, type-2 diabetes, or future flare-ups. To get those anti-inflammatory benefits, your best bet might be an anti-inflammatory diet. Chronic low-grade inflammation is associated with a here to read more

A Quick Routine to Keep Hands Strong and Limber

Whether it comes from arthritis or another source, joint pain in the hands can be excruciating. The pain itself can be debilitating, while the condition can lead to weakness that makes it hard to perform necessary tasks like opening a jar. When joint pain affects the hands, it leads to pain and stiffness. Part of here to read more


Heart Medication Is Linked with Elevating Muscle Pain: Study

For the first time, researchers may have found the reason why heart medication causes muscle pain. This study from McMaster University in Canada believes they have found a mechanism explaining why some people who take drugs to lower their cholesterol develop sore, aching muscles. Joint pain, backaches, and other musculoskeletal complaints are some of the here to read more

Why Do You Have Dry, Irritated Eyes?

Some days, I’ve been standing at home working, and it feels like someone’s run by and thrown sand in my eyes. It hits out of nowhere, and it causes quite a bit of pain, tears, and even more frustration. Dry eyes become increasingly common as people age. It happens because you’re not producing enough tears here to read more
