Search Results for: arthritis


These Moves May Help Ease Your Knee Pain

If you have arthritis in the knees, you know how it can affect your life. Not being able to move around comfortably can significantly impact your quality of life. But guess what? Inactivity is not the answer. Activity, although it may be hard to muster up the motivation and dig through the initial pain, will here to read more

Gout May Double the Risk of Chronic Pain: Study

Those who suffer from gout may be twice as likely to also get a diagnosis of chronic pain, according to a new study published in Clinical Rheumatology. The study shows the most frequently diagnosed type of inflammatory arthritis is gout, and it may also represent a correlate of non-flare chronic pain. Gout is a form here to read more


7 Signs Your Body has Inflammation

Acute inflammation is a natural response your body has to injury or infection that offers protective effects. Chronic inflammation is detrimental because it can lead to joint pain and stiffness along with other health problems. But how do you know if you are currently living with inflammation in your body? You may want to look here to read more

Common Causes of Hand Joint Pain

We use our hands to do just about everything, so when they start to hurt, it can be a cause of concern. One of the most common causes of hand pain is repetitive strains, meaning that you make repetitive motions and movements with your hands. This can affect the muscles, tendons, and nerves in the here to read more

The Surprising Cause of Joint Pain You Don’t Know About

When you think of Crohn’s disease, you may think of the digestive system and abdominal discomfort. Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The immune system wrongfully attacks the intestines and the lower digestive tract, causing inflammation, diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, unintended weight loss, and bloody stool. But few people know here to read more

Common Causes for Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can be quite irritating to deal with. Your eyes feel itchy, burn, and you may difficulty seeing. If you suffer from dry eyes on the regular and you aren’t getting much relief from drops, then there could be a more serious underlying health condition that could be contributing to your dry eyes. Here here to read more

Are These Foods Triggering Inflammation?

You may or may not have heard of nightshade fruits and vegetables. In case you haven’t, let us explain. Nightshades are a group of fruits and vegetables that include tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and peppers, which all contain beneficial and toxic components. Tomatoes and eggplants, for example, contain phytonutrients, which are highly beneficial for your health. here to read more
