Search Results for: accident


Ladies, You Are Not Alone

Roughly half of women over 50 deal with some form of urinary incontinence. Leaks and accidents, and other indignities, can be a significant stressor, a source of embarrassment, and suck the joy from your life. But you do not have to suffer in silence. You are not alone. There are far more treatments and people here to read more

Is Your Blood Sugar Getting Too Low?

Treating diabetes is no easy task. All the messaging, however, revolves around reducing blood sugar. But is it possible your blood sugar can go too low? It certainly is. And it can be dangerous. If you’re taking insulin as part of your diabetes treatment, you may run the risk of low blood sugar, also called here to read more

Ways to Fix Your Back Pain

Back pain can be uncomfortable and debilitating. It is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor or miss work and is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Almost all Americans will experience back problems at one time or another. It can be caused by something as simple as sleeping here to read more

Top Protein-Rich Foods for Muscle Strength

Muscle strength is essential to healthy aging. It’s often overlooked even though it plays a significant role in functionality, mobility, metabolism, and more. There is a powerful argument that muscle strength can be a major factor in the overall quality of life. Now you probably know that muscle strength is inextricably linked to weight training. here to read more

Vegan Diets Tied to Higher Bone Fracture Risk

People who follow a vegan diet are at a higher risk for bone fracture. According to a new study published in the journal BMC Medicine, compared with people who eat meat, vegans have a lower calcium and protein intake which contributes to a 43% higher risk of bone fracture. This is the first comprehensive study here to read more

