Search Results for: smoking


Your Risk of This Health Problem Goes up Because of This

Metabolic syndrome is defined as a condition made up of a cluster of familiar health problems. For example, a person who is obese with high blood sugar and high cholesterol has metabolic syndrome. These health problems increase a person’s risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in the enlargement of here to read more

This Essential Hormone Is on the Decline

Testosterone is a key hormone in men, not only for libido and sexual health, but for strength, energy, and for promoting other typically male traits such as body hair. It is natural that men’s testosterone levels drop as they age, but researchers have found that modern men have less testosterone than men in the past. here to read more

Stress May Double Diabetes Risk in Older Women

Diabetes is a chronic condition caused by the body’s inability to properly control its blood sugar levels. Chronically raised blood sugar levels can results in innumerable detriments to one’s health, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. As of 2015 statistics, diabetes is estimated to affect 30 million Americans, 12 million of whom are over here to read more

These Habits Make You Appear Older

Even if we can’t live forever, we can do things that make us appear younger, and we aren’t talking about spending hundreds on creams, masks, and other treatments. In fact, simple everyday habits can go a long way in changing your appearance and have people guessing about your real age. Here are six habits which here to read more

The Do’s and Don’ts of Vein Health

Our veins are under constant attack from obesity and cholesterol to blood sugar spikes and even hypertension. Our veins play an important role in our health by allowing blood to return to the heart so it can become oxygenated. If our veins are sick, they are unable to complete this task, which can contribute to here to read more

How to Tell If Your Vision Changes Are Normal

There are many changes that occur as a result of getting older. Unfortunately, many of these changes result in our abilities worsening. One of those changes involves our vision, and we may find it more difficult to see objects clearly. Some changes are normal with aging, but other changes can be a sign of something here to read more


Being Tall Puts You at Risk for This…

Being taller in height definitely has its advantages, like being able to reach high-up objects. But new research findings have put a damper on the height advantage. A recent study uncovered that being physically taller may increase your risk of varicose veins. The study looked at genes from 493,519 individuals’ part of the UK Biobank, here to read more

Is Your Job Hurting Your Heart?

The average workweek has become increasingly longer as there is a higher demand from employees. This means that many of us are spending longer hours at the office or even bringing our work home with us. As demand increases, so does the length of the work week. Many companies admire employees who dedicate their days here to read more

Surprising Cause of Arthritis in Later Life Revealed

The latest research findings have uncovered a link between early childhood exposure to secondhand smoke and arthritis in later life. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease and although the cause isn’t fully understood, it is believed that it’s a result of environmental factors interacting with genetics. The hypothesis states that environmental factors may induce changes here to read more

This Common Painkiller Is Hurting Your Heart

Diclofenac is the third most popular type of painkiller, with paracetamol and ibuprofen taking the top two spots. New research on diclofenac has uncovered that it may potentially raise the risk of heart attack. The study found that the use of diclofenac may raise the risk of heart attack and stroke more so than using here to read more
