Search Results for: Health


Give Your Cells a Boost

Things change when you get older no matter who you are. Some may notice they don’t have the energy levels they used to. Some may develop wrinkles on their face, and others may become more susceptible to illness. Others may just feel fatigued. Aging is a natural part of life. The longer you are alive, here to read more

Don’t Get Bogged Down by High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure sounds so permanent. It feels like once you’re headed that way, or you’re already there, there is little you can do. But guess what? You can step off the train toward hypertension a lot more easily than you might think. Research exists to suggest that simply implementing more walking into your day here to read more

Managing Migraines

When I was a kid, I suffered from terrible migraine headaches. Thankfully, I grew out of it, but I’ll never forget the pain. You might not be as lucky as me. Migraines could still attack your life unexpectedly, ripping apart your plans, adding stress, and putting you through periods of extensive pain. I was thinking here to read more

Foods That May Help Boost Blood Flow

The easier your blood can move through your veins and arteries, the better your health is likely to be. Why? Because it carries oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and removes waste. When your circulatory system is working efficiently, your organs and tissue are not only getting what they need, but you’ve got a lower here to read more

Protect Yourself from Lyme Disease

When you head out this summer, pay attention to some unwanted company: ticks. Black-legged ticks, or Deer ticks, can transmit Lyme disease, a potentially serious illness. Ticks hang out in wooded areas and long grass, waiting to catch a ride on your skin. If you pick one up along the way and they bite you, here to read more

Preventing Bone Breaks

You might not think about broken bones very often. You might even think they aren’t something you have to worry about. Maybe you think they are an injury for young, active people that are out there using their bodies. It’s true that children break arms and legs. As do active adults. But inactivity and age here to read more


Movement Is the Key to Avoiding Sleep Apnea

If you want to drastically reduce your risk for sleep apnea, you might want to move more. A new study is showing that active people are far less susceptible to the condition, which can lead to chronic fatigue, heart problems, high blood pressure, heart attack, and type-2 diabetes. People who spend more than four hours here to read more
