Search Results for: brain


5 home remedies to manage hypotension

We often talk about high blood pressure and hypertension, as that is a common ailment as we get older. Of course, rising blood pressure is a real health concern as it can contribute to many health complications. But low blood pressure, albeit discussed far less often, is also an important health issue that can have an here to read more

No truth behind ‘Dumb Blonde’ myth

Researchers have debunked the long-running dumb blonde myth, which is quite popular in society. You may know some dumb blonde jokes or even have been told them, or maybe you are blonde and have used the phrase, “I’m having a dumb blonde moment.” But research suggests that blondes have similar IQ scores to those of here to read more

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) treatment guidelines updated with new insight

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) treatment guidelines have been updated with new insights. The new insights come from researchers at Rush University Medical Center, which help improve treatment methods for hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism – the thyroid’s underproduction of essential hormones for bodily functions – affects nearly 10 million Americans. Traditional treatment of hypothyroidism involves regular supplementation of here to read more

The real cause of your failing vision

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the number one cause of vision loss, which can contribute to blindness among seniors. Nearly 20 percent of seniors aged 65 to 75 suffer from AMD and yet much is still unknown about the condition. In age-related macular degeneration, abnormal blood vessels invade the retina, and the macula – located here to read more


Psychosis symptoms reduced with exercise

Symptoms of psychosis in teens and young adults may be reduced after a first psychosis episode through exercise, according to new findings. Study author Joseph Firth said, “Establishing an exercise regime for people with psychosis is likely to be much more effective when they are younger, and in the earliest stages of treatment. Getting people here to read more

10 health benefits of drinking cranberry juice

Many modern doctors and nutritionists recommend cranberry juice for relief from various health problems. But the health value of cranberries was first discovered by Native Americans. The natives used cranberry extract as a dye for clothing, as food, and even as medicine, especially for treating urinary and bladder problems. The high nutrient and antioxidant content here to read more

Pure maple syrup shows promise for dementia prevention

A study, presented during a two-day symposium at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society, suggests that pure maple syrup may be beneficial in the prevention of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The findings uncovered that pure maple syrup shows promise in protecting brain cells against damage commonly found in Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers uncovered here to read more
