Search Results for: Health


Does Snoring Equal Sleep Apnea?

If you snore, you’re not alone. The American Sleep Apnea Foundation estimates that you’re in the company of about 90 million Americans. Most probably don’t even know it, and the most serious consequence is dealing with a tired, irritable partner the next day. Snoring doesn’t immediately mean you have sleep apnea. If you’re waking up here to read more

Snack to Help Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol and snacking can be bad words. But they are just words. So, if you do it right, you can do some good eating to boost your good cholesterol. You’re likely aware that certain foods can boost your bad cholesterol. Sugary snacks, processed foods, and junk food are the main culprits. However, your snacks don’t here to read more

Stay Strong and Coordinated as You Age

As physical abilities decline, it’s easy to think that activity levels should go down, too. But the opposite is true. If you want to stay strong and coordinated, you need to boost activity. The truth is that there may be no more important time to be active than when you’re 40 and older. Strength, swiftness, here to read more


Snow Shoveling Safety Tips

There have been some big snow dumps this year. Extreme weather patterns have hit traditionally snowy areas with larger volumes, while parts of the country that rarely see snow have been buried. A winter wonderland may look great and even feel special for a brief period. But it can also wreak havoc and pose a here to read more

Why Core Strength Is So Important

A strong core is essential to a mobile, pain-free, and independent life. Yet most people completely ignore it. Even fitness enthusiasts tend to get lazy when building core strength. Average people, especially those in middle-age and beyond, likely believe that paying any attention to their midsection is an exercise in futility. But having a ripped here to read more

Will A “Dry” January Do Your Liver Any Good?

Although many have been doing it for years, there is a recent surge in the popularity of abandoning alcohol to begin the year. But is “dry” January really doing any good? The short-term New Year’s resolution may actually offer some health benefits, particularly to heavy drinkers. Those who drink moderately, however, are unlikely to experience here to read more
