Search Results for: Health


How to Find the Right Walking Shoes

Walking is one of the best and most accessible ways to boost physical activity. It can help reduce blood pressure, build some lower body strength, and have benefits for your bones and brain. And although it is relatively low-risk, there are still some. Even if you walk as little as three times per week for here to read more

Staying Safe In The Heat

Much of the continent is struggling through a heat wave, boosting the risk for heat-related illness. Nobody is outside the scope of risk associated with high temperatures and humidity. It is true that people over 65, as well as those with conditions that impact the body’s ability to cool itself, are at the highest risk. here to read more


Rethinking COVID Reinfection

Forget what you thought you knew about COVID reinfection because the game has changed. As the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 keeps evolving, as has the information about reinfection risk. The old knowledge says that if you catch COVID, you’re safe from reinfection for a while. However, new variants have thrown that thinking to the here to read more

Is Humidity Affecting Your Arthritis?

Weather and arthritis pain have been associated for a long time. When it gets cold, rainy, humid, or the barometric pressure rises, many report that symptoms get worse. And now that much of the continent (and world) is in a humid heat wave, symptoms might be getting worse. Now the heat isn’t typically associated with here to read more

Natural Ways to Boost Energy

You might be feeling a little tired these days. It’s the dog days of summer when it gets hot, the days are long, and you might be feeling a little less energized than you’d like. The sluggishness you’re feeling is not uncommon. It happens to everyone and can happen at any point in the year. here to read more
