Search Results for: flu


Multiple sclerosis patients may improve working memory and brain connectivity through magnetic stimulation

Researchers are reporting that multiple sclerosis (MS) patients may see an improvement in working memory and brain connectivity through magnetic stimulation. This magnetic stimulation is known as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), and it has been reported to help rebuild the brain’s network in multiple sclerosis patients. A recent study published in the Journal of here to read more

7 winter foods that can improve your health

It’s always better to eat foods grown locally, and choosing fruits and vegetables that are in season is also a good idea. Case in point, there are wintertime fruits that are deemed superfoods because of their numerous health benefits. The list below will help you eat smarter this winter all the while promoting good health. here to read more

Alzheimer’s disease and concussions linked

A link has been found between concussions and Alzheimer’s disease. For the study, researchers examined 160 U.S. veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to determine if concussions accelerate the Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis. The researchers uncovered that concussions do speed up brain deterioration and mental decline in individuals who have a genetic predisposition for Alzheimer’s here to read more

5 signs you’re consuming too much salt

Whether you have high blood pressure or just switching to a healthier lifestyle, you are often told to cut back on your salt intake. But how do you know for sure whether you are having too little, too much, or just the right amount? Well, there are telltale signs that indicate whether you are consuming here to read more


Rheumatoid arthritis patients are at a higher risk for heart failure: Study

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients are at a higher risk for heart failure, according to research findings. Two studies examined the prevalence of myocardial inflammation among rheumatoid arthritis patients without known cardiovascular disease to assess how myocardial inflammation associated with RA disease activity and examine how disease-modifying therapy may decrease this type of inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis here to read more

What is systolic and diastolic blood pressure?

If you’ve ever measured your own blood pressure or had it measured for you then you are familiar with the two numbers that appear. These numbers indicate your systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings and offer an insight into your heart health. Diastolic reading is the bottom number. It is always lower and tells us here to read more
