Search Results for: diabetes


Your risk of heart disease goes up because of this

When it comes to protecting your heart, you know the drill: Eat well, don’t smoke, reduce stress, exercise, mind your alcohol, and manage other conditions like blood pressure and cholesterol. High blood pressure and cholesterol are large contributing factors associated with heart disease and heart attack, so taking these two under control should be a here to read more

New type of medication found to fight age-related diseases

A study conducted by Eric Prossnitz of The University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center has identified a protein, NOX1, that causes cellular aging. Researchers also discovered a new class of drugs to effectively block the gene expression that produces NOX1, this way slowing down cellular aging. Prossnitz observed mice that lacked a receptor called here to read more

8 ways your bones change as you age

As we age, bone health becomes a big concern. The older we get the more susceptible we become to bone diseases like osteoporosis. The loss of bone density puts our bones at risk for fractures and breaks which can negatively impact the quality of our life. Developing a disability in the old age as a here to read more

8 reasons for your leaky bladder

There is no doubt that a leaky bladder can negatively impact your quality of life. Constantly running to the bathroom or worse, having an accident, can lead to anxiety or embarrassment. If you’re suffering from a leaky bladder then uncovering the underlying cause can help you receive the necessary treatment, so that you can regain here to read more


The Healthy Truth: What’s the deal with kombucha?

Dear Friends, By now you’ve probably heard about the health drink kombucha, which is a fermented tea. And you’ve probably seen more and more brands pumping out their own kombucha and charging a pretty penny for it too. So what exactly is this kombucha? Kombucha is fermented and lightly effervescent, sweetened black or green tea. here to read more

The one meal you should never skip

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We know it – but we may not know why. Research suggests that people who don’t skip breakfast tend to weigh less than those who do. Breakfast is particularly important for diabetes prevention and management. The latest studies on breakfast and health have uncovered that eating here to read more

Why cholesterol is actually good for you

Time and again you’re told that cholesterol is bad for you because it increases your risk of heart attack or stroke. But while there is no doubt about the harmful effects of cholesterol, it seems that this health enemy can also be a friend. In fact, our body needs cholesterol to function – in particular, here to read more

Exercise may not be the key to weight control

Physical activity may not be the key to controlling weight and preventing weight gain, according to new research led by Loyola University. The study focused on young adults from five countries, including the United States, and found that weight gain was not associated with sedentarism or time spent being physically active. This is not to here to read more

The surprising health benefits of drinking alcohol

While we are often bombarded with information on how alcohol can damage your health, pack on the pounds, and worsen mental illnesses like depression, some studies show that having a drink may provide some surprising health benefits, as long as it’s done in moderation. Keep reading to learn how different alcohols may help to improve here to read more
