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Category Archives: Health News

Natural Ways to Balance Hormones at Any Age

Your hormones can take you for a ride. Men often worry about low testosterone contributing to fatigue and more, while much of the focus on women’s hormonal challenges surround reduced estrogen. But those only represent a couple of hormones. And although they can influence your body and how you feel in big ways, there are here to read more

Older Women with Visual Impairment Are Associated with Dementia Risk

Visual impairment in older women may be associated with dementia, according to a new study published online in JAMA Ophthalmology. The findings suggest new interventions for vision improvement may be needed to help reduce the risk of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Dementia is an overall term for diseases and conditions characterized by a decline in here to read more

Can You Spot the Warning Signs of a Stroke?

Preventative measures can work, but they are no guarantee. Finding ways to lower blood pressure and improve heart health can reduce the risk of a stroke, but that doesn’t always mean you’re out of the woods. Being able to identify the signs of a stroke quickly can allow you to take action and save your here to read more


Can This Type of Coffee Help You Live Longer?

There’s a long list of potential health benefits associated with drinking coffee. From improved focus to healthier kidneys and beyond, it seems like its well-deserving of superfood status. But COVID-19 might have made getting it a challenge. For the first time, many North Americans might be making their coffee at home for the first time here to read more

How You Can Use Stress for Good

Stress is often considered a negative. It makes most people uncomfortable and impedes sleep while boosting inflammation, blood pressure, and the risk of a heart attack or stroke. It can also make you engage in unhealthy behavior like binge eating and drinking. It may feel like you have no control over your stress response. After here to read more

Diabetes Contributes More Severe Symptoms in Patients Infected with COVID-19

In patients diagnosed with COVID-19, those who also have diabetes appear to have more severe symptoms, rapid progression, and a worse prognosis. According to a study published in Diabetes Metabolism Research and Reviews, researchers found biomarkers to suggest patients with diabetes showed a rapid progression of COVID-19 compared to patients without diabetes. The study was here to read more