
Category Archives: General Health

Overflow incontinence causes, symptoms, and treatment

Overflow incontinence is more than just a leaky bladder. In fact, it can even contribute to nighttime bed-wetting. Urinary incontinence is the inability to control urination. In the case of overflow incontinence specifically, you are unable to fully empty your bladder, leading to overflow and unexpected leaks as a result. But embarrassment and discomfort aren’t here to read more

Should cystitis drugs for women be available without a prescription?

Should cystitis drugs for women be available without a prescription? The study published in The BMJ says, yes. The researchers suggest, making cystitis treatment prescription-free could save three million scarce doctor appointments a year. Cystitis is an acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection affecting nearly half of women at least once throughout their lifetime. Treatment for here to read more

Nocturia (excessive nighttime urination) risk lower in physically active men: Study

Nocturia (excessive nighttime urination) risk is lower in physically active men. Males may experience nocturia due to an enlarged prostate, overproduction of urine, low bladder capacity, and sleep disturbances. The researchers analyzed data from 28,404 men with pre-existing benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and 4,710 men with newly developed BPH (incident group). In the incident group, here to read more

Estrogen may help prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in post-menopausal women: Study

Estrogen may help prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in post-menopausal women. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are particularly common in women, with 25 percent experiencing recurrent UTIs. Menopausal women are at a higher risk of UTIs, which has been shown to be linked to lower estrogen levels. When bacteria enter the bladder, antimicrobial peptides inside the here to read more

In overactive bladder, presence of certain bacteria contributes to OAB symptoms: Study

In overactive bladder (OAB), presence of certain bacteria contributes to OAB symptoms. Debunking the commonly held belief that urine is sterile, researchers found that, in fact, it is not germ-free. Co-investigator Linda Brubaker said, “Doctors have been trained to believe that urine is germ-free… These findings challenge this notion, so this research opens the door here to read more


Urinary tract infections caused by E.coli bacteria can be prevented by bladder cells: Study

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by E.coli bacteria can be prevented by bladder cells, according to research findings. The study, conducted by Duke Health researchers, explored the way bladder cells physically eject bacteria that cause UTIs. They compare the response to vomiting as a way to rid the stomach of harmful substances. The findings suggest here to read more

Overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) may be caused by bacterial infection: Study

Overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) may be caused by bacterial infection. In OAB, the bladder muscles spontaneously contract before the bladder gets full, leading to urgency and frequency of urination and even causing bladder leaks. Researchers found low-grade inflammation in some OAB patients which was not detected through the conventional NHS testing. This low-grade inflammation may here to read more

Urinary incontinence in women: Symptoms, causes, complications, and treatment

Literally millions of women suffer from urinary incontinence, and while many people believe it is simply an age-related issue, it can, in fact, impact people who are younger. Noticing the symptoms early and identifying the cause can help women with urinary incontinence get back to enjoying life. Urinary incontinence in women can be both physically here to read more

Overactive bladder linked to sleep apnea in women: Study

Overactive bladder is linked to sleep apnea in women, according to research. Overactive bladder is characterized by a higher frequency and urgency to urinate, along with incontinence and frequent awakenings throughout the night to urinate (nocturia). The need to urinate throughout the night is also a common symptom of sleep apnea, but little research looking here to read more