Author Archives : Emily Lunardo

Emily Lunardo studied medical sociology at York University with a strong focus on the social determinants of health and mental illness. She is a registered Zumba instructor, as well as a Canfit Pro trainer, who teaches fitness classes on a weekly basis. Emily practices healthy habits in her own life as well as helps others with their own personal health goals. Emily joined Bel Marra Health as a health writer in 2013.


Ulcerative colitis and the impact of alcohol

Ulcerative colitis – a type of inflammatory bowel disease – can be aggravated by alcohol, which has been found to worsen the symptoms. There are a number of negative effects of alcohol on anyone, regardless of their colitis diagnosis. A known depressant, alcohol slows down functions in the body, such as speech or movement. The here to read more

Twins live longer than single-born people

Twins have been found to have a longer lifespan than single-born people, and the research says their higher survival rates may have to do with the close social bond they share. The study was based on data from over 2,900 same-sex twins, compared to the general Danish population. At every age, identical twins had higher here to read more


Causes of ear popping when swallowing

Most people may recall experiencing ear popping when swallowing at least once in their lifetime. Although not a serious problem, it definitely can be an annoying one. Generally, ear popping is your ears’ way of trying to relieve pressure. Although there are some serious causes for ear popping – such as damage to the inner here to read more

Bladder problems in people with spinal cord injuries can be improved with training and epidural stimulation: Study

Bladder problems in people with spinal cord injuries can be improved with training and epidural stimulation. People who have suffered spinal cord injuries are often prone to bladder infections, which can progress to kidney damage and even death. The UCLA researchers studied 10 paralyzed rats that were trained for six weeks with epidural stimulation and here to read more

Female urologists scarce in light of growing demand

A new study has found there are too few female urologists to meet the growing demand. Female patients often prefer a female urologist, but unfortunately this particular medical field still remains dominated by males. An urologist specialized in the urinary tract system and male reproductive system health, but women are referred to see an urologist here to read more

Diverticulitis and the impact of alcohol

Diverticulitis affects the way a person tolerates alcohol, while alcohol consumption can lead to complications of diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is a condition characterized by inflamed or ruptured diverticula, which are bulging sacs in the lining of the large intestine. In general, alcohol negatively impacts even healthy individuals, but for someone with diverticulitis, the effects of alcohol here to read more
