
Protect your joints by avoiding this

Much research has come out regarding the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle and prolonged sitting. From cardiovascular issues to obesity and even diabetes, it seems that a sedentary lifestyle can set you up for a number of health conditions. One health condition that is overlooked in talks about prolonged sitting is joint health. Research here to read more

Standing linked with better heart health

Numerous studies have come out highlighting the dangers of long hours of sitting. New research suggests if you want to improve blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol it’s best to stand. Australian researchers tracked the activity of 782 men and women between 38 to 80 years of age all part of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and here to read more

Stop Doing This and Live 15 Years Longer

Before I begin, I’d like to mention that I have some surprising news that you may want to stand up for. That’s right, stand up; because what you are currently doing can be severely harming your health. Years ago, our ancestors’ average day consisted of hunting (or running from) wild animals, gathering foods to eat, here to read more