saturated fat

Make this simple change and your liver will thank you

Many people overlook their liver health. Generally speaking, heart and digestion concerns tend to be of greater focus. What most people don’t realize is that the liver performs over 500 functions, many that affect different areas of health. This means that a healthy liver translates to overall better health. Unfortunately, this is often overlooked, as here to read more

Coronary heart disease risk increases by 24 percent with high intake of saturated fats: Study

Coronary heart disease risk increases by 24 percent with high intake of saturated fats. Foods rich in saturated fat include butter, red meat, lard, and palm oil. The researchers suggest that replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat could help lower the risk of coronary heart disease. Senior author Qi Sun explained, “Our findings strongly corroborate here to read more

The Truth Behind Your Weight Gain

Food producers have been quick to respond to consumer demand for healthier food alternatives low in saturated fat. Many people have been successful in reducing their calorie intake and their weight as a result. However, we can’t be fooled; some products on store shelves have labels that are misleading and can actually cause weight gain, here to read more