The health news roundup has this week’s latest articles on schizophrenia, constipation, urinary tract infections, dementia, kidney stones, and atherosclerosis.
This week, we discussed a higher risk of dementia but lower cancer risk in schizophrenics, UTI treatment in dementia patients, eliminating kidney stones with a roller coaster ride, yoga moves to relieve constipation, and much more.
Schizophrenia patients show a higher dementia risk and lower cancer risk: Study
Schizophrenia patients are more likely to develop dementia and less likely to develop cancer, compared to people without the mental disorder. The researchers followed over 30,000 older adults for a decade and concluded that dementia rates were higher among people with schizophrenia.
Study lead Hugh Hendrie said, “Individuals with serious mental illnesses including schizophrenia appear to be living longer than earlier estimates suggested. This good news is tempered by the fact that they now have to confront the major disorders of the elderly, including dementia. Our finding that there was a significant difference in rates of dementia for those with schizophrenia and those without the disorder was quite unexpected. The reason for this difference is unclear and merits more intensive investigation. Is this related to an increase in dementia-related brain pathology or could it simply represent a misinterpretation of their symptoms by clinicians inexperienced in dealing with individuals who have difficulties communicating and are less likely to have reliable significant others to interpret for them?” Continue reading…
Urinary tract infections and dementia in elderly: Symptoms and treatment
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are not only common among seniors, but among those with dementia, too. Furthermore, UTIs among the seniors are often misdiagnosed for dementia, or may be overlooked if a person has dementia, because UTIs in dementia can lead to delirium.
If a person already has dementia, it may be difficult for them to verbalize that something is going on to indicate a urinary tract infection. If an older person has a UTI, the delirium may also make it difficult for them to explain the problem. Caregivers and family members may notice changes in behavior or greater confusion pointing to a UTI.
Urine itself is sterile and does not contain bacteria. A urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria enter the urinary system. In patients with dementia, the risk of a UTI is higher, as their ability to take care of their personal hygiene diminishes. Continue reading…
Going on a roller coaster may help pass kidney stones
Kidney stones are quite painful, and if you’ve ever had one you know how badly you want it out! The good news is, there may be a quite enjoyable way to release kidney stones, and it involves a roller coaster ride.
There is evidence to support that enjoying a roller coaster ride can help pass a small kidney stone.
The researchers created a 3D silicone model of a kidney containing urine and placed three different-sized stones in it. The model was placed in a backpack and underwent 60 roller coaster rides. Continue reading…
Yoga for constipation: Yoga poses to relieve stress and digestive problems
Yoga is hailed for its many health benefits, such as stress reduction and joint pain relief, but we bet you didn’t know that there are certain yoga poses that can help with your digestive problems, including constipation.
Constipation can happen from time to time, or it can be chronic. Constipation is defined as the inability to pass a bowel movement, or when passing a bowel movement is infrequent, painful, and straining. There are numerous causes for constipation, such as not getting enough fiber, changing your daily routine, ignoring the urge to pass stool, not getting enough exercise, not drinking enough fluids, having a fever, being underweight or overweight, having anxiety or depression, being pregnant, suffering IBS or IBD, taking certain medications, being diabetic, having multiple sclerosis, and living with psychiatric problems, to name a few.
As you can see, constipation can be linked to a busy and an unhealthy lifestyle, so taking the time out of your day to relax, unwind, and practice yoga can keep you focused, calm, and healthy. Continue reading…
Atherosclerosis prevention: natural home remedies, diet, and exercise
Atherosclerosis is the condition in which the arteries become hardened, preventing a healthy flow of oxygenated blood. This process is common in aging, as plaques can build up causing arteries to become stiff. Plaque buildup also makes the arteries narrow, this way limiting the blood flow as well.
Atherosclerosis is a dangerous condition because it increases the risk of a heart attack, stroke, and peripheral artery disease. Although arthrosclerosis is often associated with age, it actually occurs much earlier than you may think. This condition can begin as early as your 20s, and by 30s these changes start surfacing. Although routine checks may come back normal, after the age of 40 issues like cholesterol become evident. For men, signs of atherosclerosis can be seen as early as the age of 45, and for women, it’s around the age of 55. Continue reading…