natural weight loss

Lose Weight by Eating THIS Food

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may be avoiding nuts because of their high calorie count. But contrary to common misconceptions, you’re missing out on a super food that could actually help you achieve natural weight loss. Adding a variety of nuts – like almonds, pistachios, and walnuts – into your diet is a here to read more

The White Bean Extract Buzz

If you’re like millions of Americans, weight loss may be one of your top priorities.  The weight loss market in North America is booming as over 35% of Americans are obese according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  When researching natural weight loss remedies, you may have come across a supplement containing here to read more

The Obsession with Natural Weight Loss

Losing weight has become an obsession for many people in today’s society.  We are constantly being bombarded with advertisements that show incredibly skinny models and actresses so it’s not surprising that individuals want to drop weight to look their best.   If you’re looking to lose weight and keep it off, you should skip the fad here to read more

The Effectiveness of Natural Weight Loss

The weight loss industry currently yields over 60 billion dollars a year, and that number is on the rise!  It is no secret that the majority of Americans today could stand to lose some weight, and with such a massive weight loss industry, there is no shortage of options when it comes doing so. For here to read more

Green Coffee Bean: The New Weight Loss Trend

With obesity levels on the rise around the world, many people are searching for quick weight loss options. They don’t want to be counting calories and limiting what they can eat, instead they want a simple, quick weight loss solution.  While there are prescription medications available for weight loss, they are expensive and have side here to read more

Eating Chocolate for Weight Loss?

Do you find it hard to skip your favorite chocolate bar or junk food for quick weight loss?  A recent study conducted by the Pennsylvania State University showed that eating chocolate or junk food such as a sweet snack actually helps in natural weight loss.  The most common recommendation for overweight and obese people is here to read more

The Hidden Reasons Sugar Might Be Killing You

If you have recently decided to follow a weight loss regimen, it is important that you understand which food items can be included in your daily diets and which ones should be avoided. It appears that natural weight loss is the safest method for shedding those pounds. Everybody knows that certain beverages and drinks that here to read more

Do Good Looks Equal Good Health?

As children, many were taught to never judge a book by its cover. Research, however, suggests otherwise. A number of studies have shown that the foods and other things people consume will eventually begin to show up on the outside, and it’s not just about obesity and lack of exercise. Many studies suggest that what here to read more

How To End Wintertime Laziness

It’s so easy to be lazy, not continuing your exercise routine during the cold, often torturous, winter months in Canada.  But, it’s not impossible to continue with a regular regimen of exercise.  The two most dangerous conditions to be aware of when exercising in extreme cold temperatures are frostbite and hypothermia.  Read on to learn tips that here to read more