heart disease

Dark Meat to Reduce Heart Disease?

When it comes to eating chicken and turkey, statistics show that the majority of North Americans prefer white meat over dark meat. However, new information has emerged that suggests women might be better off choosing dark. A recent study conducted at NYU Langone Medical Center revealed that the dark meat of chicken, turkey, and some ...click here to read more

Heart Disease Warning Signs You Need to Watch for

Most people know the common warning signs of an impending heart attack including: chest pain/discomfort, upper body discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea, and unexplained extreme fatigue.  However, there are some warning sign of underlying heart disease (which could lead to a heart attack) that might not be obvious to most people. Heart disease is one ...click here to read more

Heart Disease a Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, while stroke is the leading cause of disability. Approximately one million Americans have a heart attack every year, and 400,000 of them die as a result of it. Interestingly, more heart attacks occur between 4:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. because higher blood ...click here to read more

Ways to Get Your Heart Pumping

Cardiovascular disease, or CD, is the term used to describe both heart disease and vascular disorders. CD is a major cause of disability and the number one killer worldwide. In fact, heart disease alone kills more Americans than all types of cancer combined. Fortunately, proper cardiac care can help to lower your risk for developing ...click here to read more

5 Signs You are Having a Heart Attack

Do you know the signs that could mean that you’re having a heart attack? Heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction, is the leading cause of death for individuals over 40 years of age. The good news…there are excellent treatment options for heart attacks.  These treatments work best if they are given right after symptoms ...click here to read more

Sexual Activity Deemed Safe for Heart Patients

People with heart conditions are often fearful of physical exertion; worried that their activities could trigger a heart attack or death. Many patients go as far as to avoid sexual activity. Now a health report says sex is safe. According to a statement released by the American Heart Association, if a patient is able to ...click here to read more

Being a Couch Potato Could Kill You

Over 800 million people around the world own cars and 60 percent of the world’s population own television sets, believe it or not, those numbers add up to a lot of heart attacks. This may sound odd, but the results of a world-wide study show a relationship between heart attacks and those who own both ...click here to read more

Hidden Salt in the Foods You Eat

We’ve all heard it before – consuming too much salt in your diet can lead to high blood pressure, and high blood pressure can lead to an array of other health problems, such as stroke and heart disease.  It is therefore important to minimize the amount of salt you eat daily.  The recommended maximum salt ...click here to read more