Search Results for: weight loss


Why it’s so important to build muscle as you age

You may think that lifting weights and building muscle is only for the younger generation, but it is equally as important to continue building muscle as you age. As you age, muscle loss occurs at a much quicker rate, which can impair a person’s strength, balance, and mobility. Stacy Schroder of the Masonic Village at here to read more

What are the symptoms of acalculous cholecystitis? Types, prevalence, causes, and treatment

Acalculous cholecystitis is responsible for approximately 5–10 percent of all cases of acute cholecystitis, an inflammatory disease of the gallbladder. The majority of acute cholecystitis cases are caused by gallstone obstruction of the cystic duct. However, with acalculous cholecystitis, inflammation still occurs but without the presence of gallstone obstruction. Acalculous cholecystitis is a severe illness here to read more

Is this exercise hurting your heart?

Generally speaking, exercise is good for your heart as it keeps your heart and lungs strong. But what if we told you that there was a type of exercise that was putting your heart at risk? It may be hard to believe, but it’s true. There are numerous studies that link regular exercise with improved here to read more

Causes of Circulatory System Diseases

Circulatory system diseases cover a vast array of different abnormalities and disorders that affect the way the body circulates blood. Circulatory system disorders can lead to decreased perfusion of blood throughout the body, threatening the healthy function of tissue and organs. The human circulatory system is a complex network of blood vessels, varying in size, here to read more


5 symptoms you should never ignore

If you’re over the age of 50, then bone health is a serious concern—even more so if you’re a woman. When a person develops osteoporosis, their bones become weak and brittle, which increases the risk of fractures. Osteoporosis also negatively impacts mobility and can lead to isolation and depression. Osteoporosis is often called “the silent here to read more

Boost your circulation naturally with these ingredients

There are many different factors that contribute to circulation, such as physical activity, sex, illness, and bodyweight. Having healthy blood circulation is vital for the body to function, as every part of your body requires oxygenated blood to perform their role. If circulation is slow or delayed, you can experience health problems. It may not here to read more
