Search Results for: weight loss


Radical New Treatment for Osteoporosis Developed

There may be a new treatment method for osteoporosis in the works. Researchers at Strathclyde University will use volunteers with paralyzed limbs to test their new treatment. Although osteoporosis can affect all people, it affects those with paralysis more so as they are unable to move. It is known that physical activity can help protect here to read more

This Popular Exercise Won’t Burn Fat

If your goal is to shed a few pounds, or mainly burn fat, then steer clear of the cardio workouts as they won’t do you much good. Although cardio exercises like running do work to improve cardiovascular health, they have a limit on how successful they are when it comes to burning fat. The key here to read more

Lack of Sleep Can Cause You to Feel like This

Ever notice that after a night of poor sleep, you’re more irritable – it seems like everything becomes so much more frustrating. Research findings suggest that missing out on a few hours of sleep is enough to turn you into an angry person the next day. Furthermore, your ability to deal with frustrating situations is here to read more

Amazing Benefits of Sleep You Should Know

In the past, sleep may have been taken for granted, even by some medical experts, but today we know more about the benefits of sleep and just how important the right amount of sleep is to our overall health. Some people shrug off the idea of an extra hour of sleep making much of a here to read more

6 Benefits of Sleeping an Extra Hour

How many hours of sleep do you typically get? If it’s not between seven and nine hours, then, unfortunately, you are probably sleep-deprived. Lack of sleep and poor sleep is a serious epidemic across the country, and it can lead to serious health consequences. Just by adding an extra hour of sleep each night to here to read more


The Dangers of Low-Calorie Diets You Need to Know About

Low-calorie diets are very popular as a means to lose weight, but research suggests they can have detrimental consequences on your bones and muscles. An Australian study suggests that low calorie diets can result in weaker handgrip strength and reduce bone mineral density (BMD). These effects were seen more so among women. The study included here to read more

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

A lack of sleep is a common problem that affects millions of people around the world, yet a lot of individuals don’t stop to think about the effects of sleep deprivation. When someone has less sleep than they need in order to feel awake and alert, they are considered sleep deprived. We vary in terms here to read more

Strength Training for Seniors: Tips and Exercises

A mature person does not have to be frail and have low energy. Strength training for seniors done regularly not only builds up bone and muscle but can actually counteract the weakness and frailty that comes with aging. A report from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends a program of flexibility, balance, aerobics, here to read more

Exercises for Hip Arthritis Pain Relief

Osteoarthritis can be a debilitating degenerative disease that affects various joints including the hips, but hip arthritis exercises can help make hip joints more stable so they deserve serious consideration. Osteoarthritis can happen in the knees, spine, or hips when cartilage breaks down. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common cause of total hip replacement. If you here to read more
