Search Results for: weight loss


Can Going Low-Carb Keep Your Brain Young?

Ketogenic and low-carbohydrate diets have been the rage for quite some time. But they might help you do more than just lose weight. According to some new research, cutting carbs might slow, or prevent, brain aging. Your brain requires about 20% of your body’s total energy stores to function properly. The energy comes from two here to read more

Are You Aware of Your Eye Health?

Sometimes, it can be pretty intimidating when you think of how one health problem translates to others. But you may be in the dark about just how closely connected some issues are. For example, your risk for eye disease and vision impairment goes way up if you’re overweight or obese, have diabetes, high blood pressure, here to read more

The Inseparability of Muscle and Bone Strength

Ugh, strong muscles. Who wants to do exercise, am I right? But truth is that ignoring your muscles can put you at risk for weak bones, something most people are concerned about. The two are inseparable. Healthy bones require strong muscles to add protection, which can ultimately work towards preventing weak porous bones, falls, and here to read more

Gains, Brains, And Belly Fat

A recent study has found that more muscle and less belly fat might be the key to preserving intelligence and brain health in advanced age. The study found that people with more belly fat and less muscle mass had less “fluid intelligence” as they aged, and is likely the result of immune system changes initiated here to read more

Ways to Avoid Losing Muscle Mass as You Age

It is inevitable that as we age, we lose muscle mass. Research has shown that starting around the age of 35, the loss of muscle begins. Although regular exercisers still lose muscle as they age, those who do not exercise at all can lose as much as five percent of their muscle every decade. Loss here to read more

Bone-Building Foods

Bone health doesn’t get the respect it deserves. While plenty of attention is paid to skin, hair, heart, and weight, the bones can get lost in the fray. But if you’re a post-menopausal woman, or will be, the state of your bones can have a significant influence on overall health. According to the National Osteoporosis here to read more


3 Strategies for Healthy Eyes

It can be a little harder to see how your overall lifestyle affects eye health. The eyes are one of those things people tend to separate from overall health—like they exist independently and are cut off from the rest of you. To maintain eye health, changing this focus is essential. There are three main strategies here to read more

Why You Might Want to Hold off on Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone therapy sounds excellent for a lot of aging men. It can be a way to improve energy and sexual performance as well as boost mood and general feelings of well-being. But there is a possibility that it could increase the risk of a cardiovascular event too. Doctors have prescribed testosterone therapy (TRT) rather liberally here to read more

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone

Bodies go through change with age. People tend to get a little weaker, less muscular, a bit “rounder,” and they may not have the energy and zest for life that they once did. And although many of these things happen without any specific effort on your part, there are ways to slow these changes down. here to read more

Tips for a Healthy Prostate

A healthy prostate is on the minds of a lot of men, and it should be. But reducing your risk of prostate conditions is not as simple as getting a list from your doctor about what foods to eat. Although there are certain foods associated with reduced risk for prostate trouble, more work is needed. here to read more

Battle Back against Aging with an Active Sex Life

There’s no doubt that maintaining friendships and other relationships is important while you age. And plenty of research shows that the closer the relationship, the better. Keeping up an active sex life may help ease aging more than you think. Aside from the exercise component, the pleasure from intimacy and sexuality may help ease everyday here to read more
